Friday, March 8, 2013

A turning point for "wacko birds"?

"Even better, as our Paul Mirengoff noted, it exposed the weary, used-up quality of the GOP old guard in the Senate."
Also: Angry McCain ups ante, calls Paul, Cruz 'wacko birds'


Anonymous said...

How can you tell Paul and Cruz are hitting the right target? They are taking flak fire.

Go Paul! And Cruz!

Gunny G said...

Juan McLame highlights include:

1. Drafted a bill that would censor the internet.
2. Voted for Porkulous.
3. Liked the Occutards
4. Attacked the Tea Party.
5. Voted FOR the NDAA and the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without trial.
6. Endorsed Al Jazeera for American cable stations.
7. Neocon for Obama's Illegal War in Libya and now the Muslim Brotherhood rules.
8. Neocon for war in Syria.
9. Sided with tyranny for the Food Austerity Act.
10. Actually called Obama a patriot!

Anonymous said...

Like everyone else in politics within Mordor-on-the-Potomac, the masks are coming off and the true personalities are being revealed. Especially the good-ol'-boys country club RINOS like McPain.

B Woodman

Toastrider said...

LOL 'maverick'. 'Maverick' is what the old guard media calls RINOs that dance to their tune.

He should remember, though, they also called Bob Packwood a 'maverick' -- until they no longer needed him.

Carl Stevenson said...

Quisling turncoat. Put him on the list for the treason trials.

Anonymous said...

Paul and Cruz 'sound' good. But anybody sounds good next to McCain, et al and Obama, Holder.

Need to vet everyone and stop hero-worshipping.

AJ said...

McStain looks like he could use some Metamucil or Miralax.

Ed said...

There are minimum age requirements for elected Federal office in the U.S. Constitution such as thirty five years of age for President. I propose that it is time to set reasonable maximum limits for age for elected office, judges, and high level Cabinet positions, such as seventy five years. No one may run for an office where the candidate will turn seventy five during the term of office. For the House of Representatives, that would be a maximum of seventy three, for the Senate that would be sixty nine and for President that would seventy one. Federal judges would not longer be appointed "for life" or until choose to retire.

You may protest that such a law would have prohibited President Reagan's second term of office, but Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease a year before the end of his second term, which supports my reasoning. Think of what effect such a law would make on the composition of the current U.S. government.