Thursday, September 6, 2012

Your tax dollars at work. CDC seeks to prepare for the zombie apocalypse.

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse


Jimmy the Saint said...

I've seen some things were disaster agencies use a Zombie Apocalypse as a training scenario simply because it would be so catastrophic. Ultimately, it's just another exercise, though - it just has a bit more dramatic backstory.

Kind of makes sense for the CDC - they'd have to identify an unknown pathogen, set up protocols for quarantines, possible treatment, etc.

Seremzh said...

See the 'We belong to the government' video. Zombies do exist and they are normally called democrats.

ShortTimer said...

Look at the date on the article.

Last year's stupidity.

SWIFT said...

Jimmy the Saint; they'd have to clinically produce an unknown pathogen, identify the unknown pathogen, set up protocols for quarantines, possible treatment, etc. Or, they could place a call to Ft. Detrick and order an unknown pathogen, saving a lot of time.

Charles N. Steele said...

Maybe they know something we don't.

(And after hearing some of what delegates were cheering at the GOP and Democrat Conventions, I wonder if maybe "Zombie Apocalypse" isn't already underway.)

Anonymous said...

The pathogen is a multigeneration entitlement mentality .

I get the feeling that a widespread and subconscious realization that the music is about to stop has been part of what is feeding the zombie fad .

Anonymous said...

I don't have an objection to the the CDC and other agencies using the Zombie theme as a talking point for general preparedness.

They actually use it as a point of reference/departure for discussing individual preparedness, acknowledging that the "State" can't immediately respond to all needs instantly.

Encouraging individual preparedness seems like a good thing...


Anonymous said...

The Pathogen is Marxis influenza.

It's an airborne virus which mutates quickly and camouflages itself within existing body systems. It is protected by those systems while it does additional damage to every cell in the body which is ultimately fatal.

The only known cure for advanced development are a series of anti-virals known as the rimfire/centerfire/advanced-improvised-devices, protocol. The protocol is effective at localised body areas but must spread to defeat the disease and prevent recurrence.

The pathogen is self aware and can predict and anticipate threats to it's existence. It is known to use any resource within the body, including those that are necessary to the maintenance of life, to combat those threats.

Many resources and systems that are used by the pathogen have no knowledge they are being used by the pathogen to do harm to the body or cause death. They appear to simply be follow the orders of the pathogen and have no self-aware or cognitive characteristics, except those of self-preservation which are easily overcome by the pathogen at a future time.

Jimmy the Saint said...

@SWIFT: "they'd have to clinically produce an unknown pathogen"

Except that it's a training exercise. There is no actual pathogen being used. It's a simulation of a totally unknown disease - they get mock up field reports of symptoms, gestation times, etc., and try to come up with how to treat/contain it.

They also post stuff for civilians - how to make a Zombie preparedness kit, for example. Basically, it's just an earthquake/tornado/hurricane/blizzard survival kit that any home should probably have anyway.

Anonymous said...

"I get the feeling that a widespread and subconscious realization that the music is about to stop has been part of what is feeding the zombie fad ."

True, IMHO. Everyone knows that the wheels are coming off, but the vast majority don't want to understand the implications. The zombie fad...these movies and shows are just training aids. :>)

"Encouraging individual preparedness seems like a good thing..."

Agreed. Though those who'd like to control the population would probably be smarter to NOT do such a thing, because a large part of preparedness is self defense...what kills a zombie or a member of a MUY gang can also kill agents of the State.