"This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative." With the Thursday hearing coming up, a Ron Ziegler compendium for Jay Carney.
"The president is aware of what is going on in Southeast Asia. That is not to say that there is anything going on in Southeast Asia." – Nixon press secretary Ron Ziegler, 1971, answering a question if the allied troops were preparing to invade Laos.
Certain elements may try to stretch the Watergate burglary beyond what it is." – Ziegler, 1972, referring to Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.
"This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative." – Ziegler, April 17, 1973, retracting previous statements that had been revealed to be false.
"I would apologize to the Post, and I would apologize to Mr. Woodward and Mr. Bernstein." He continued, "We would all have to say that mistakes were made in terms of comments. I was overenthusiastic in my comments about the Post, particularly if you look at them in the context of developments that have taken place." Ziegler, May 1, 1973; the previous day, White House counsel John Dean and Nixon aides John Ehrlichman and H.R. Haldeman had resigned, as the Watergate scandal progressed.
"If my answers sound confusing, I think they are confusing because the questions are confusing and the situation is confusing." -- Ziegler, undated.
"I'm proud of what I did as press secretary, I don't feel the need to apologize; there are some things, however, I would have done differently" – Ziegler, 1981.
And due to the ignorance of the hoi polloi as perpetuated by the government-run schools and the media / propaganda mills, a simple break-in at a hotel remains, in the public mind, the greatest crime since the Holocaust, but Presidents, so called, giving our military secrets to China, committing serial adulteries and perjuries, using dead or illegal voters to steal elections, bankrupting the nation, and daily practicing corruption, fraud and traitorous acts of marxism, are all just minor little things.
Nothing to see here, folks. just move along. And please leave your personal belongings, including jewelry, dentures, and clothing, with the officers by the doorways.
A simple break-in which was part of a larger effort to subvert the constitutional process of succession of the Executive Branch, and thereby overthrow the legitimate government of the United States. Totally unimportant.
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