The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sipsey Street Exclusive: Oh my, a Fed forensic audit of Sipsey Street, whatever shall I do?
The myrmidons.
So, the latest whispers are that the DOJ was shocked that an email their San Diego US Attorney wrote one afternoon ended up moving at the speed of shit through a goose to the Issa Committee and, here, featured in the pages of Sipsey Street the next morning. Pursuant to this outrage, I am told that I will be the focus of a forensic email audit to find out who tipped me off. Although, I must add, whether or not they have obtained a court order to do this remains unclear at this hour. But then the wiretaps mentioned in the email may not have had court orders up front either, so hey, all may not be fair when it comes to the Feds but at least it's consistent.
Some folks have asked me if it was wise to release the email with such rapidity. Others have expressed irritation that they were not consulted. Well, folks, it is like this. Readers will recall that this blog has been hacked by party or parties unknown, causing me no end of aggravation. I have been poked in the eye by somebody, and although I'm not ready to assign blame to the DOJ it is no great leap to believe that somebody on their Winter Solstice card list did. Consequently, when the means of delivering the counter-stick-in-the-eye presented itself, I seized it, and poked.
There is a lesson here, for those in the Hoover Building and Main Justice to consider. Now, let us assume that DOJ, whose myrmidons certainly have the resources to do a forensic audit on my emails, have the ability to figure out who hacked my blog. No great leap of logic there. Now, there are a lot of documents laying around my office these days with duplicates -- electronic and hard copy -- just about everywhere unfindable and only a small percentage of these have been released with my usual acerbic comments putting them in perspective.
All I can predict from this set of circumstances is that every time somebody pokes me in the eye and makes my life miserable with a hack, I'll try to find something real embarrassing to poke back with.
So, Fibbies and DoJ-gers, it is in your best interest to keep my blog hack free.
Seems reasonable to me.
How about you?
Poke the Bastards in the eye, OOPS, let me re-phrase that, Poke the Bastards in BOTH EYES and make sure you do a fine job of poking the Bastards eyes OUT. Might as well blind the Bastards once and for all. They aren't fit to hold down an job as it is anyway.
Sounds fair to me. Who takes a gun to a knife fight? The winner!
Hopefully your information is as well protected as the Saudi oil rigs and pipelines. The royal family had destructive devices installed on all their shit so it could be blown up if their political enemies tried to take over.
As long as they do not learn the real identity of 'ghost whisper' or 'brass trumpet', I predict you wil continue to get the rapid inside info- those people are not worried about being found out because they have way too much dirt on the top five, and unlike Vince Foster, their backgrounds will have made certain that in any untoward events, the release of their documented info would make Julian Assange seem like a 'junior detective' from the old Dick Tracy comics. And the mole in the SPLC is still nursing his old grudge against the ones who messed him around, so he won't give it up either. Sleep well. Alles gute!
I dont know if this is relevant or not Mr V, but I attempted to E-mail you because I had a few suggestions and thoughts I wanted to share with you, and my e-mail was unable to be sent, reason given was that your e-mail address only accepts messages from previously known addresses or something like that keep your head up homie III
Have you been naughty to the doj again? When will you ever learn? Hopefully never. Keep stickin' it to 'em Dutchman. You and David have done yeoman's work bringing this scandal to light. This nation owes you both a debt of gratitude, for the work you have done, whether they realize it yet or not.
"Mr. Holder and his aides have given misleading, false and contradictory testimony on Capitol Hill. Perjury, obstruction of justice and abuse of power - these are high crimes and misdemeanors. Mr. Holder should be impeached. Like most liberals, he is playing the victim card, claiming Mr. Issa is a modern-day Joseph McCarthy conducting a judicial witch hunt. Regardless of this petty smear, Mr. Holder must be held responsible and accountable - not only for the botched operation, but for his flagrant attempts to deflect blame from the administration."
Not that lawless Feds and their cronies aren't capable of such things, but evil always has willing minions to do dirty deeds on their behalf without the asking. Usually young snots with nothing better to do.
Can you clone this blog and just flip the switch when this one gets tampered with?
Some heroes run into swept fire zones to pull out wounded buddies. Some heroes climb into burning buildings to save children. Some heroes run blogs, and fearlessly poke would-be tyrants in the eye.
It is my overly tight tinfoil hat that leads me to believe that everyones email, landline, cellular, etc. is catagorized and cataloged. And you Mr. V are not only cataloged but every means of communication(s) are on an active tickle file that gets viewed constantly. While the mid-management minions and assorted lackies at the FBI, BATF, ICE, DEA and other assorted agencies slowly get this information past to them. My bet is that this actually gets the highest review from the folks at the NSA and higher agenices we've probably never even heard of.
For I believe the corruption is in secret cabals and even those that 'think' their in the know don't really know jack and are just waterboys for the true handlers who are behind the scenes.
At this point our Constitution and Bill 'O Rights is toast and has been for some time. What the true handlers fear is that those beyond the 3% will awaken to what is really taking place and revolt in mass and while the handler could leave the country they know it would be next to impossible to retake AmeriKa back without going through another 200 years of conspiracy and traitorism to try once again to bring them to the point we are today.
As I told dutchman, I'll suggest to all of you that correspond with him things which you do not wish for prying eyes to read, use tor, and tor's email. That will "wash" you just about as well as a person can be washed online short of using fully encrypted messages, to and fro.
Not to get on a NSA kick but regarding TOR and anything else for that matter....
About, can the NSA decrypt TOR traffic. They don't have to be doing that because, as pointed out earlier. There is first traffic analysis, next to this technique they can collect and store all your TOR-traffic no matter how old, and afterwards, if they would like to decrypt it, which is very unlikely because they don't need to, they could steal your torrc-file through a backdoor in software, or a Trojan that searches specifically for this file on the target computer. This method also saves them from using allot of supercomputing power. You don't have to be the NSA to be able to do this at all, more low-tech groups can also do this. Its the same method used against your private PGP key, or any other crypto key. besides this all, The NSA is 10.000 times more advanced than a thing like TOR, And 5 times more than we can imagine.
It's worth noting that the NSA doesn't care about exporting 128 bit encrypted keys anymore. They used to restrict it to 32 bit, + 8 they owned, to allow export outside the US. Not anymore. No worries. They can crush most encryption keys with little effort.
It's not the NSA that will fucking with him...if you've attracted NSA level attention, you're pretty much fucked no matter what. Keeping your ass out of jail with a mild amount of prevention is the name of the game. Tor is a tool, and as such it should be used for it's job, and it's job only. It wont replace your stupidity. Do you REALLY think the NSA, who probably wants obama and his cronies gone too, would give half a shit about dutch? They're looking out for the likes of actual terrorists...and tor beats gmail and the like, by miles...I noticed your lack of suggestions as to his alternatives.
Some of you folks need to make up your mind though, is the gov't inept, or are they the whiz bang elite haxor gods many make them out to be?
Probably the reason NSA stopped caring about crypto, is, if they want it, they'll just water board your ass til you provide them with the key. Much simpler than attempting to crack, assuming your key is password or something else equally pointless.
Please make copies of everything they try to take and hide them at an undisclosed location. Years ago I would have not ever advised anything like this, however since we are now living in the most corrupt time in our History under this administration, they will try anything they can and make up false documentation to accuse you of something illegal.
dicitmetI would definitely make copies of EVERYTHING BEFORE they come and put those documents in a safe place with your attorney(for release should anything happen to you) and with one or to other people(also for release if anything should happen to you) The reason? This Obama admin fights DIRTY and this admin is totally unscrupulous.
I would make 3 copies of everything. BEFORE THE FEDS COME.1 copy to your lawyer to be locked up in a safe(in case anything untoward happens to you) and the other 2 to trustworthy people to do the same in case of anything untoward. Remember this admin plays dirty and they are totally unscrupulous thugs and killers.
Poke the Bastards in the eye, OOPS, let me re-phrase that, Poke the Bastards in BOTH EYES and make sure you do a fine job of poking the Bastards eyes OUT. Might as well blind the Bastards once and for all. They aren't fit to hold down an job as it is anyway.
Sounds fair to me. Who takes a gun to a knife fight? The winner!
Hopefully your information is as well protected as the Saudi oil rigs and pipelines. The royal family had destructive devices installed on all their shit so it could be blown up if their political enemies tried to take over.
I would be willing to bet that it was the FED's in some capacity that hacked your blog!
If I were you I would force them to produce a warrant or tell them to kiss my hairy white ass!
Cocked, locked and ready to rock!
Hammerhead out!
This is very serious.
They will stop at nothing - seems to be the take-away here.
As long as they do not learn the real identity of 'ghost whisper' or 'brass trumpet', I predict you wil continue to get the rapid inside info- those people are not worried about being found out because they have way too much dirt on the top five, and unlike Vince Foster, their backgrounds will have made certain that in any untoward events, the release of their documented info would make Julian Assange seem like a 'junior detective' from the old Dick Tracy comics.
And the mole in the SPLC is still nursing his old grudge against the ones who messed him around, so he won't give it up either. Sleep well. Alles gute!
I dont know if this is relevant or not Mr V, but I attempted to E-mail you because I had a few suggestions and thoughts I wanted to share with you, and my e-mail was unable to be sent, reason given was that your e-mail address only accepts messages from previously known addresses or something like that
keep your head up homie
Hell ya Mr. Mike!
There is some real dumbasses running things in this criminal syndicate called the federal government.
Have you been naughty to the doj again? When will you ever learn? Hopefully never. Keep stickin' it to 'em Dutchman. You and David have done yeoman's work bringing this scandal to light. This nation owes you both a debt of gratitude, for the work you have done, whether they realize it yet or not.
This is from yesterday's Washington Times:
"Mr. Holder and his aides have given misleading, false and contradictory testimony on Capitol Hill. Perjury, obstruction of justice and abuse of power - these are high crimes and misdemeanors. Mr. Holder should be impeached. Like most liberals, he is playing the victim card, claiming Mr. Issa is a modern-day Joseph McCarthy conducting a judicial witch hunt. Regardless of this petty smear, Mr. Holder must be held responsible and accountable - not only for the botched operation, but for his flagrant attempts to deflect blame from the administration."
Torpedo LOS! :^)
Not that lawless Feds and their cronies aren't capable of such things, but evil always has willing minions to do dirty deeds on their behalf without the asking. Usually young snots with nothing better to do.
Can you clone this blog and just flip the switch when this one gets tampered with?
A forensic email audit..... does that include all of us? Not that I don't suspect I'm not on a federal hit list already......
Anyway, I'm a girl and I fight like a girl, to quote another famous girl.....
Polyphemus had better watch out around "nobody"(s) with sharp sticks.
Some heroes run into swept fire zones to pull out wounded buddies. Some heroes climb into burning buildings to save children. Some heroes run blogs, and fearlessly poke would-be tyrants in the eye.
It is my overly tight tinfoil hat that leads me to believe that everyones email, landline, cellular, etc. is catagorized and cataloged. And you Mr. V are not only cataloged but every means of communication(s) are on an active tickle file that gets viewed constantly. While the mid-management minions and assorted lackies at the FBI, BATF, ICE, DEA and other assorted agencies slowly get this information past to them. My bet is that this actually gets the highest review from the folks at the NSA and higher agenices we've probably never even heard of.
For I believe the corruption is in secret cabals and even those that 'think' their in the know don't really know jack and are just waterboys for the true handlers who are behind the scenes.
At this point our Constitution and Bill 'O Rights is toast and has been for some time. What the true handlers fear is that those beyond the 3% will awaken to what is really taking place and revolt in mass and while the handler could leave the country they know it would be next to impossible to retake AmeriKa back without going through another 200 years of conspiracy and traitorism to try once again to bring them to the point we are today.
Back up the info via email to other Trusted Friends, then ask them to print out Hard Copies, then get them Locked up somewhere safe.
Make the Gestapo Work for their Free Cheese, Damn It!
I hope your backups have backups.
As I told dutchman, I'll suggest to all of you that correspond with him things which you do not wish for prying eyes to read, use tor, and tor's email. That will "wash" you just about as well as a person can be washed online short of using fully encrypted messages, to and fro.
Not to get on a NSA kick but regarding TOR and anything else for that matter....
About, can the NSA decrypt TOR traffic. They don't have to be doing that because, as pointed out earlier. There is first traffic analysis, next to this technique they can collect and store all your TOR-traffic no matter how old, and afterwards, if they would like to decrypt it, which is very unlikely because they don't need to, they could steal your torrc-file through a backdoor in software, or a Trojan that searches specifically for this file on the target computer. This method also saves them from using allot of supercomputing power. You don't have to be the NSA to be able to do this at all, more low-tech groups can also do this. Its the same method used against your private PGP key, or any other crypto key. besides this all, The NSA is 10.000 times more advanced than a thing like TOR, And 5 times more than we can imagine.
This would be a good time to remind everyone that Libraries should be constructed in such a way as to protect a person's anonymity.
I say this because if someone is a whistle-blower it would be a good public-place to send an e-mail to a blog/media establishment from.
Plus, we don't need the government watching what people are reading.
It's worth noting that the NSA doesn't care about exporting 128 bit encrypted keys anymore. They used to restrict it to 32 bit, + 8 they owned, to allow export outside the US. Not anymore. No worries. They can crush most encryption keys with little effort.
Tamale . . . Tamale . . . Tamale
It's not the NSA that will fucking with him...if you've attracted NSA level attention, you're pretty much fucked no matter what. Keeping your ass out of jail with a mild amount of prevention is the name of the game. Tor is a tool, and as such it should be used for it's job, and it's job only. It wont replace your stupidity. Do you REALLY think the NSA, who probably wants obama and his cronies gone too, would give half a shit about dutch? They're looking out for the likes of actual terrorists...and tor beats gmail and the like, by miles...I noticed your lack of suggestions as to his alternatives.
Some of you folks need to make up your mind though, is the gov't inept, or are they the whiz bang elite haxor gods many make them out to be?
Probably the reason NSA stopped caring about crypto, is, if they want it, they'll just water board your ass til you provide them with the key. Much simpler than attempting to crack, assuming your key is password or something else equally pointless.
Please make copies of everything they try to take and hide them at an undisclosed location. Years ago I would have not ever advised anything like this, however since we are now living in the most corrupt time in our History under this administration, they will try anything they can and make up false documentation to accuse you of something illegal.
dicitmetI would definitely make copies of EVERYTHING BEFORE they come and put those documents in a safe place with your attorney(for release should anything happen to you) and with one or to other people(also for release if anything should happen to you) The reason? This Obama admin fights DIRTY and this admin is totally unscrupulous.
I would make 3 copies of everything. BEFORE THE FEDS COME.1 copy to your lawyer to be locked up in a safe(in case anything untoward happens to you) and the other 2 to trustworthy people to do the same in case of anything untoward. Remember this admin plays dirty and they are totally unscrupulous thugs and killers.
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