Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reality Check.



oldsmobile98 said...

Wow! Straight-up and hard-hitting.

Anonymous said...

2:13 "The Feds were supposed to be tracking those weapons as they went south, but they started losing track of them. Even after losing track of them, the Feds kept the program going."

Wrong. The Feds did not "start losing track of them" because they NEVER DID ANYTHING TO KEEP TRACK IN THE FIRST PLACE. Their "method" consisted of looking for guns that criminals happened to leave behind after a crime was committed and checking if they were guns that had been sold to straw buyers

Jhn1 said...

Pretty good, except for accepting the fairly ludicrous premise that it was a law enforcement effort that failed.

After the Wide Receiver failure, the same office doing F&F without any of the elements that were inadequate in the first place,...

Sort of like crashing a semi tractor driving over rough terrain as the bumps ripped the steering wheel out of your hands and the tractor crashed.
So the "solution" is to unbolt and remove the steering wheel, toss it out the window, fire that puppy up and do it again, but maybe a bit faster, and with your eyes closed.

John Ross said...

Excellent, with one correction: ATF did NOT "lose track" of the guns. THEY NEVER TRACKED THEM AT ALL AFTER THEY WENT INTO MEXICO, and NEVER INTENDED TO.

ATF never contacted ANY Mexican officials. ATF can't have intended to track guns to their ultimate recipients in Mexico if as soon as the guns crossed the border, ATF turned around and never made ANY ATTEMPT to contact Mexican authorities about what they were doing!

F&F worked EXACTLY as planned, with one exception: The U.S. citizenry found out about it, because of some decent people in the ATF.

The U.S. has extradited Mexicans for trial and incarceration in the U.S. for illegal drug smuggling, EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE NEVER STEPPED FOOT ON U.S. SOIL. It will be time soon enough for us to return the favor, and allow Mexico to extradite Holder, Clinton, Obama, and others involved with the murders of hundreds of Mexican citizens.

Anonymous said...

The reporter is restating on video many of the excellent points that you have brought to our attention in print.
Have you considered doing your own YouTube reports?


Barney said...

Good piece Too bad it was not on NBC

mike- Here's hoplng that your New Year is the best yet


Dedicated_Dad said...

A bit sloppy on some of the details, but I'm willing to excuse most of that...

The MAIN thing that bothers me is the whole "started under BOOOOooosh" meme.

What started under Bush was a genuine - though failed and misguided - attempt to ACTUALLY TRACK THE WEAPONS using GPS locators and - when those failed - helicopters (and I'll bet "drones") as well.

All-in-all, not bad though!

Armadillo said...

Great, if only everyone could hear this. It puts it in a simple form that anyone can understand. After Americans understand this then they can understand the rest.

rdf67 said...

My sister-in-law was visiting and went nuts when I told her about Patino. Naturally, she was ready to ban all gun sales. I said, "You are reacting the way Holder and gang expects America to react - even though Patino was breaking the law and never should have bought a second time after the first guns he bought were found in Mexico. The DOJ let him buy 720 guns." She said, "Oh, that's terrible!" Yeah - but only after an explanation. So important that the whole truth be told, Mr. Holder.

Anonymous said...

A very good first cut. I wonder if the org that produced this can be contacted so they know the mistakes they made as pointed out in these comments.

Anonymous said...

I hope someone will be following their slime trail when the balloon goes up.

Paul X said...

"What started under Bush was a genuine - though failed and misguided - attempt..."

A perfect example of why so much gun control gets passed in Republican administrations: gun owners reflexively give a pass to anything Republican presidents do. It's as if you are saying, "At least Bush was trying to violate the Constitution in a more effective manner!"

Thomas/PatriotofPast said...

Its been awhile since I've posted anything here, but I do find this information very importand, it took me awhile to find the one Bill our Marxis Govt. passed but I finally found it. Please go to and read these Bills, they work together for Obama and Holder to ARREST and DETAIN... We the People.

David Codrea said...

Gee, I wonder where he got that Warren Commission milestone info from?