"Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" -- Groucho Marx.
Justice Department Counters Claim That It Misled Congress in Gun Inquiry
The Justice Department on Friday turned over to Congress nearly 1,400 pages of “highly deliberative internal communications” about the drafting of a February letter in an effort to show that agency officials did not knowingly mislead lawmakers in connection with a disputed gun trafficking investigation called Operation Fast and Furious.
Of course they did, silly.
Whenever DOJ needs a story written to explain their case, they can always count on Charlie Savage of the New York Times.
These government apologists would be at home making excuses for the tyrant our Founders fought off this land in 1776.
Torry sons of bitches......
I won't even click on NYT, Politico, HuffPo, MSNBC, etc. links - don't want to give them the page hits.
Fewer page hits means less advertisers; less ad revenue means out of business. Good riddance to all of them.
Mike - You didn't mention that Charlie rated page A-16 - the kind of importance that a scandal involving the DOJ's arming of the Sinaloa cartel so they could kill people and be killed. After they get killed, the ATF sweeps in and finds guns that they watched walk out of the US gun shops.
Note that the title keeps you from searching for the Friday document dump in the NYTimes.
I particularly like the fact that Jason Weinstein was talking about guns walking in memos in 2010 and yet he signed off on the "no guns walked" statement in the letter.
One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How it got in my pajamas, I'll never know.
--Captain Spaulding
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