Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I guess they really want a third party challenge in 2012. GOP RINOs deal another blow to the Tea Parties.

Roy Blunt wins Senate leadership post.


Anonymous said...

It's been awhile since I've seen that photo. That happened in my hometown of Erwin, TN.

Anonymous said...

The Tea Parties haven't gone away. We're just busy with local issues and candidates and Christmas right now. Those stupid RINOs are determined to lose, aren't they.

Every time I look, your blog's different, dude. It loads in 1 second for me now.

rdf67 said...

Ron Johnson, as a freshman Senator, has made his mark and will continue to represent all of us in DC. He is not a RINO but there are too many of them and if you want to know who they are, just look at who voted for Blunt.

root@localhost.localdomain said...

That's OK, once the TEA(now absorbed into the GOP) Party gets Newt elected, everything will be OK.


Ashrak said...

Mitt Romney, the Establishment GOP (and media) pick from the very start has never been able to garner more than 25% in "polling".

What that means is this. The RINO GOP "base" is only one in four VOTERS not indentured to the Dhimmicrats. You know,the folks who always say that unless you hold your nose and vote for the "lesser of two evils" that you will "split the vote" and thus be responsible for electing yet another Dimmicrat.

It is long past time to dismiss this idle threat and instead turn the actuality based reality back on them. if THEY do not vote with US it is they who will "split the vote". Interestingly, isn't voting itself a splitting and is it not intentionally meant to function as exactly that?

The RINOs are a very small portion of the voting population when things are put into accurate perspective.

It is time to ignore their idle threats and set aside the endless drama they create with their attempts to bully Liberty minded individuals.

Make no mistake, NO PARTY is is the proper way forward, voting for individuals based on their principles and values rather than their party affiliation, but if the message has to be delivered by a serious "third party" showing, then so be it. Regardless, we must break the "two" party stranglehold being exerted upon the throat of Liberty.

George Washington warned us all about the dangers of political faction. It is long past time we listen.

TPaine said...

The Republicans are forcing us into a "3rd party" scenario by sticking with the ridiculous so-called front-runners, Romney and Gingrich.

Ron Paul will be on the ballot with or without them. He will either be the Republican nominee, or Paul supporters will be writing his name on the ballot. Although PAul will not verify anything, there is a distinct possibility that he will run as an independent if the Republican Party disses him.