Editorial Cartoon from the Ogden Utah Standard Examiner. It accompanied this really stupid editorial.
My response:
I see. This is the logical equivalent of paying the firefighters to put out fires, only you then discover that they are really arsonists. Your solution? Why to reward their criminal behavior by giving them more matches and gasoline.
The Gunwalker Scandal was not "a sting gone bad." If you paid any attention whatsoever to the testimony of the whistleblowing ATF agents at the last two hearings, you would understand that there was no "sting" to begin with. The ATF was tasked by their superiors at the Justice Department with two things: Document the sale of civilian market firearms to straw buyers (often by coercing reluctant gun shop owners into doing so) and then documenting the statistics of where those weapons ended up by means of the Mexican police use of the E-Trace system.
Indeed, FOX News has reported that, unknown to the ATF, these weapons were actually being transferred to paid informants of the DEA and FBI, who took them south across the border. The testimony of the agents was clear: they were ordered by their superiors NOT to follow the weapons, even when they observed the straw buyers transferring them to other people.
FOX also has reported that the FBI rigged the NICS "instant background checks" in favor of convicted felon straw buyers who otherwise were not allowed to purchase firearms in the first place.
So there was no "sting," only a premeditated federally directed and subsidized operation to pump civilian market firearms south of the border with depraved indifference to how many Mexican citizens were killed with them. Indeed, the testimony of the agents and some emails which have surfaced indicated that ATF supervisors were pleased with the rising body count from "our guns." When Special agent John Dodson objected, he was told by his supervisor that "you have to break some eggs if you want to make an omelet." Depraved indifference to murder is actually the least charge you can make given what happened. Arming criminal gangs within the national borders of another country without the knowledge of that country is an act of war, in case you hadn't noticed.
And you want to reward the arsonists by giving them more gasoline and matches? That is what you propose.
Your agenda is getting ahead of the available evidence. You are either too absorbed with furthering the gun control agenda that the Gunwalker Scandal was designed to advance, too deliberately ignorant of the facts as presented by testimony under oath before the Congress of the United States, or both.
Mike Vanderboegh
The alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126
Well said and posted.
Excellent letter. I can't believe people believe the "Sting Gone Wrong" line.
Just so you all know The Ogden Utah Standard Examiner in known locally as the "Ogden standard Slanderer".
Is there a link to watch the whistleblowing ATF agents hearings?
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