Best Buy evidently doesn't think that this insults the intelligence of their customers, their customers presumably being too stupid to notice that they're being insulted. If they felt it necessary to put up this sign, they may be right.
(LATER: Sorry, this was represented in the email as a "WalMart sign." Diligent readers and the WalMart Anti-Defamation League let me know immediately that it certainly was not.)
Sigh... Good point.
Have you been to Wally World lately Mike? A lot of their shoppers will be looking up at this sign with furrowed brows, as they stand there with their two full buggies...
If you look in the background you can clearly see a Best Buy sign. Those aren't WalMart signs. And Best Buy doesn't think we are very smart, that's why many of us refuse to do business with them. I'll keep giving WalMart my money.
All it takes is one look at the "people of Wal-Mart" photo album to realize that the "this many" comment is dead on. They are spending their welfare money buying that cheap crap that was made in China. No wonder most of the USA manufacturing jobs are gone.
That not a WalMart.
Could it possibly be a polite way to remind WalMart People about abusing the Express Lane? We have all seen the customer with a basket full of groceries in the "Express Lane". Heaven help you if you dare mention the abuse to them...
My $0.02
Looks like a Best Buy
I do believe that is best buy, not walmart
There are other versions of this photo on the Net with a cracked.com attribution. So I suspect it is actually "nowhere"
Some shopers at Wal-Mart actually do have three hands
I would think that since it is back to school time this is probably with school supplies and suppose to be a cutesy "learning" thing for the kids especially those going to kindergarten.
Cute picture but....
Take a look at the (viewer's) right edge of the first sign. Why doesn't the border by the hands follow the line of the border above? Now look at the second sign with particular attention to the area behind the balloons. See any hands behind the baloons? Why does the background appear inside the second sign's border?
I'm going to admit they did a better job ginning this up that I could do but......
Photoshop strikes again!
Ask most kids under 21 to read the time on a watch with hands. They'll look at you like a deer in the headlights.
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