Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This just in: The Washington Post and Matt Drudge are still dead to the Gunwalker scandal, even after the hearings. (Well, not quite dead.)

"Gunwalker? What's a Gunwalker?"

Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer scans the Washington Post. Still no Gunwalker.

LATER: Turns out I was wrong on both counts. Drudge did finally put up a couple of links down low on the right and Pravda has a COLUMN in the LOCAL section.


Anonymous said...

Actually it is on Drudge Report. Right hand side of the page about halfway down. It was on upper left hand side earlier today.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I know for a fact he has been deluged with links over the last few months. But if you look on the right column, about 8 lines down you will see two links that he put up today. I was amazed he even put them up.

"U.S. agents slam gun sting effort on Mexico border..."

"A 'Catastrophic Disaster'... "

Patrick said...

Drudge had at least 2 links up this afternooon about today's hearings.

Anonymous said...

And as of 1:07am CDT, they are still up on Drudge.

Uncle Al said...

Finally, finally!, Drudge links to Reuters and CSPAN about this morning's hearing.

Were you heard, Mike?

Uncle Al said...

Dang! WaPo, too, in the Thursday edition.

Pretty good article for the Post. One nice line:

But the operation went south faster than some of the guns being tracked.

Anonymous said...

Well, not totally dead to the story, although the news didn't make the headline. There are two links on the right sidebar entitled, "U.S. agents slam gun sting effort on Mexico border..." and "A 'Catastrophic Disaster'..."

pyrewyrm said...

Drudge has two articles on the lower right about the scandal.

pyrewyrm said...

Drudge report has two links on the low right column

Cato, the American said...

Drudge has these two links up.


hub101 said...

yesterday (6/15/11), a caller from Virginia brought up the issue on the MIKE SAVAGE radio show and stated his latest info on gunwalker came from SIPSEY STREET site based on excerpts from the hearing. TO which SAVAGE gave general information on what the hearings are about.....maybe, just maybe its getting traction.....?thanks

Pat H. said...

I sent Drudge links to your Gunwalker posts in March at least, possibly earlier than that.

He and his staff have studiously ignored this issue for a long time.

They did have the info, they just didn't want to publish it for some reason.

Uncle Al said...

...but now the Drudge links are gone this morning. He frequently carries links to minor stories for a couple of days but the two Gunwalker links disappeared after hours.

Anonymous said...

Didn't take Drudge long to pull 'em down either - after a momentary roll in the grave, still dead.

Guess he had to make room for the Weiner pull-out.