Not happy at all.
John Richardson at No Lawyers -- Only Guns and Money says Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer "is not a happy camper" about the revelations in the Gunwalker hearings yesterday. He provides this link so Gov. Brewer's statement.
Federal Operation Fast and Furious placed Arizonans at risk
“I am outraged by findings in a new Congressional report that alleges federal agents were instructed to stand aside and do nothing as up to 2,000 weapons were illegally purchased in Arizona and resold. In many cases, the end result appears to have been the arming of violent drug cartels south of the border.
“During Operation Fast and Furious in 2010, according to this report, agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms were ordered to simply track these „straw buyer‟ weapons sales but not intervene. Longtime federal agents have now testified before Congress that allowing these weapons to leave the premises, a practice generally known as „gun walking,‟ was a marked departure from accepted law enforcement practices.
“ATF agents lost track of many of these weapons, including assault weapons and .50 caliber sniper rifles. A significant number undoubtedly found their way to Mexican drug cartels. Tragically, two AK-47s traced back to Operation Fast and Furious later turned up at the crime scene near Rio Rico, Arizona, where Arizona Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by bandits. Authorities are still looking for the murder weapon.
“If the allegations contained in this Congressional report are accurate, then Operation Fast and Furious endangered the lives of innocent people on both sides of the border. The people of Arizona deserve answers from the Department of Justice and ATF as to how this could have been sanctioned, let alone encouraged. We may never know how many weapons illegally sold as part of this operation later turned up at a crime scene. But the connection between this failed federal operation and the death of Border Patrol Agent Terry is clear. The Congressional report puts it best: „The death of Border Agent Brian Terry was likely a preventable tragedy.‟”
Wonder if she's outraged about the citizens her cops keep killing.
It's too bad that they don't give a sh*t what she thinks. Or any of us either. They've decided that they are in charge and what's more, that we need to shut up or we might be the subject of the new rules for investigating citizens, without probable cause, reasonable suspicion or exigent circumstances.
I guess that pretty much does the constitution and any rights you were ever told you had. Over and done in a heart beat and everybody's just happy as clams about it!
Add the plan of knowing the guns would be collected at crime scenes and be traced back to American FFL's to become statistical data supporting new gun control efforts in a brazenly political 'under the radar' scheme is additional insult to an already grievous injury.
Dear Gov. Brewer might I so humbly suggest you kick the BATFE out of your state.
Gov. Brewer, while we agree on this issue you might want to see to the rot in your own house.
You need to prosecute those responsibe for Jose Guerena's murder.
Dear Gov. Brewer might I so humbly suggest you kick the BATFE out of your state.
June 17, 2011 12:22 AM
I'll second the motion, not only kick them out but first arrest all those involved in the gunwalker fiasco as accessories to murder.
Scott J:
It'll never happen. They already investigated themselves and determined that they did no wrong.
The only thing she's unhappy about is that her friends got caught before they got to their desired end-game.
You can bet she's not AP. I live here....this woman is a statist, bigger government POS. She got elected by riding the coat tails of state Senator Russell Pearce and his crappy anti-immigration bill known as SB 1070 that's real intent was to force a REAL ID Act on the state.
Until you start making mandatory felony prison sentences for people who hire illegals.....you're not going to stop them from coming. Dry up the jobs, get rid of the reason to come here for the vast majority of illegals from ALL countries.
Looking at Guerena, and now the execution in AZ over a warrant; I have to wonder: If we say "No Fort Sumters," what event is so large, in your opinion, that a response by the people is justified. Thus not a Fort Sumter-esque move?
- Cato, the American.
Well, she's sure toeing the "party line", isn't she?
This was a well-intentioned program that suffered from sloppy work - so much so that it turned into a debacle.
They "lost track" of guns?
But, it's 100% openly admitted now that they MADE NO EFFORT TO TRACK the guns - ergo they didn't "lose track" of anything!!
I once had VERY high hopes for her -- Wilkow was touting a "Christy/Brewer" POTUS ticket -- and from what I could see at the time it looked just about perfect!!
Not any more.... On the bright side, it IS Mitt's turn, isn't it?
God help us...
No -- on second thought, it's time we help OURSELVES!
I think it's time we tell the Retardlican branch of The Government Party that we're not settling for "lesser of 2 evils" any more -- They'd better draft us a REAL Conservative candidate or we'll all vote for Dear Reader!
Before you write me off as insane, stop and THINK: The *ONLY* way we have *ANY* chance of avoiding collapse and chaos is to start turning this around RIGHT FRIGGING NOW.
If our only choice is between fast-collapse (the current _resident) or SLOW-collapse (ala Romney) then LET'S GET IT OVER WITH!
Either we get REAL CONSERVATIVES we can be proud to vote for, or we vote for those most likely to bring on the collapse so we can get past it and build AMERICA back on the ashes of This Place Where America Used To Be.
"Outraged. Outraged I tells ya. Why I ought'a- What's that?...oh, ahhm...mayonnaise and tomato. Unbelievably irresponsible actio...um..diet Coke with that..yeah...ah...tossed salad with Caesar on the side. To my office. No wait...the pool."
Yeah, outrage. And once again, bluff and bluster to buy another few weeks of letting us think someone else is all over it, with the same result: absolutely no meaningful resolution to anything, except having had another fine lunch at our expense.
Council of Governors says it all for me.
What an ignominiously sad evolution of this experiment in liberty, as well as being completely intolerable to anyone with any sentience of human equality, basic dignity, and right to the fruits of our own labor.
I've consigned myself to the cartridge box, but like most everyone else, I'm not flying into the IRS building first to be nothing more than the next wacko heralded to the slackjawed idiots by the MSM as "see how crazy they are" while they nod their salivating lapdog heads in agreement and buy more false Chinese happy crap at the mall on the credit cards. I'll be satisfied to give up the ghost, but it better damn well be for more import than that for my children and theirs.
Aye yie.
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