Meet Dr. Jane Lubchenco, the new Gauleiter of American Waters, the Commissar of the Fishing Hole, and Administrator of the Green Gulag ("Coming soon to a lake near you!"). I'd never heard of her, nor had I paid any attention to the "United We Fish Rally" a few weeks back.

Pity the poor Fudds. Willing to bargain away our rights to own evil battle rifles because they are not for "sporting purposes," they figured once Leviathan got ahold of those it would be content. Now, even before they have grabbed our EBRs that the Fudds were willing to give them in order to be left alone, the Obamanoid central planners are going after sport fishing.

Unbelievable, right? Doubling down on disaster doesn't seem like sensible politics does it? Pissing off EVERYBODY IN SIGHT about something near and dear to them doesn't seem rational, does it? I mean, not if you are trying to get re-elected. What kind of politics is that? Collectivist dictatorial politics, friends. They apparently know something we don't. Like, we're through the looking glass now, and the old verities no longer apply and the Red Queen can have anybody's head lopped off. "Never let a good crisis go to waste," even if you have to manufacture the crisis.
Go here. Follow the links. The story below is real, all right. Unbelievable, but real. Kinda lends a whole new meaning to this:

Don't it?
Obama: The Will Of The People Be Damned - I’LL Decide Who Can Go Fishing
*Now* he means to ration recreational fishing and boating, folks
Posted by Dave Poff (haystack) (Profile)
Tuesday, March 9th at 2:44PM EST
It all started here this morning:
The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation’s oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.
I had to read that 3 times before it sank in…and then I did a little research. Guess what old Barack (I’ve never had a fishing rod in my hand a day in my life) Obama has been up to since last year? Plotting a Federal takeover of all our bodies of water (freshwater…saltwater…doesn’t matter), in an effort to set up MORE bureaucracies and circumvent the rights of the States to determine fair use and access rules amongst themselves based on the local interests of everyone involved.
If he was out to ban recreational fishing this piece would be easy enough to write; scream a little, stomp my feet, vow he’ll have to pry my fishing rod from my cold dead hands, etc…and be done with it. Problem is, this is much darker and more corrupt than that.
The White House plan would establish 9 regional planning bodies (bureaucracies) whose job would be to bring “Federal, State, and Tribal Partners together” to look for ways to “decrease user conflicts; improve planning and regulatory efficiencies and decrease their associated costs and delays; and preserve critical ecosystem function and services.”
It should come as no surprise that the Administration is no longer accepting comments or input from the public (though you should click through to see some of the doozies that WERE accepted), and it should come as no surprise that a member of Obama’s Administration (Jane Lubchenco, NOAA administrator) has some interesting ties with a couple private charities and goofy greenie groups whose interests will be very well served by a Federal takeover of our various bodies of water:
While she possesses impressive academic and professional credentials as a marine biologist, she also has close ties to those who produced the November document. For example, she was a trustee of the Environmental Defense Fund, and served on the Pew Oceans Commission.”
More below the “who needs jobs and successful multi-billion dollar industries anymore, anyway?” fold…
More info here, and a call for some Asian Carp-killing love here. Don’t miss the policy pdf here if you really want your head to explode. Read between the lines folks…this will lock down oil exploration faster and farther than the moratorium Congress JUST let expire ever did, and allows the greenies to set policy for fishing AND boating (at the expense of millions of jobs and billions of boating and fishing industry dollars).
ALWAYS worry when you read this from Obama’s people: “The planning process would be fully transparent and participatory.” and don’t forget to laugh out loud when you follow up with this timeless classic: “Places Science-Based Information at the Heart of Decision-Making. Scientific data, information and knowledge, as well as relevant traditional knowledge, will be the underpinning of the regionally developed plans.”
How’s that “settled” climate change science mumbo jumbo working out again?

Oh dear, this isn't good. I don't like it when a man gets between me and my bass...
We are all going to be outlaws then. I live in the coastal bend of Texas and fish regularly to suppliment my meat freezer. As with healthcare, the 2nd ammendment, socialization of this great country, I wont tolerate a government telling me I cant fish.There will be a fight.
I quit participating in their system of enslavement prior to the election of the last tyrant. They rule throuh the use of fear. The have an Airsoft kid gun threatening us with "Punishment" if we do not obey.
Go fishing and "JUST SAY NO!"
Whats next assault rods?
High capacity tackle boxes?
Surf rods with no sporting purposes?
Start going fishing armed, daring Federals to tell you you can't fish in your favorite fishing hole. It might turn ugly, but that beats living like a slave.
It seems obvious to me, with the accelerating number of crazy decrees and legislation...they're trying to pick a fight. Kind of like the school bully pretending to throw a punch but just stopping short, hoping you'll react by defensively striking back. Then when the teacher asks, "who started it?" he can always say, "He hit me first".
I don't think we should do anything. Besides, it isn't time yet, the moral high ground, the thing the thing the thing, hope for the future. The time to act will be right after we get settled in behind the barbed wire.
Hi Mike,
If this doesn't take the cake!!!! What next? 'Ya' gonna' have ta get a "Background check" by the feds to buy a "Fishin' 'ROD!??'"
"Oh Lord spare me!!!"
PS My fishin' gear has just taken on a whole new meaning!
Makes me want to write a "fishy email."
Minnesotans, for some od reason, years ago got the right to hunt and fish as an amendment to our state constitution, so I'm wondering just how far the dark lord is going to push this.
MN alone gains more than three Billion dollars annually from fishing related industry and if the dark lord thinks we'll take that sitting in our parked bass boats, he's crazier than he's already proven.
To attempt curtailing fishing may prove to be as difficult as taking our guns, if not more so.
I have a big F.U. for these Ass Clowns!!
I don't think this is a move to stop us from fishing so much as it's a move to stop us from eating. They already have plans to control the means of food production down to the level of "you have to register with the gov't and get permission to plant a home garden or raise chickens."
It's probably a move to get to where you do what the gov't says or you don't eat.
Which enumerated power was that?
Fish armed. Make the state's agent buy permission to be allowed to live if he nears you. No permit purchase, shoot him!
Hey, I didn't make up the rules, they did. I just decided we should take turns enforcing them.
Ever hear the one about fishing with a battle rifle?
I don't fish I shoot. All I can say is that the local Fishing Fuhrer would make for a interesting challenge floating out on Smith Lake.
Now off to the fish and chips place with me.
I may be around long enough to take part in the festivities after all! Looks like they are in a hurry to get the game started.
I love to fish but haven't done as much recently due to priorities. That just changed - and my state of Idaho says I can pursue outdoor activities armed - open or concealed - without the need for a permit.
The .44 mag just became part of my tackle gear.
I'm coming to this post belatedly after catching up on missed posts starting from 1/2009. This is just one more stick on the heap of kindling for the big burn at the end of the current regime, when it all gets thrown onto the ash heap of history.
Of course, this won't be enforced by feds, as there aren't enough of them (even if you figure, incredibly, the re-tasking of the USCG for the major maritime areas). They will simply pass more pretended legislation (funded or not) that extends federal LE powers to local rangers or dept's of natural resources, along with the mandate for this piece of bile.
This particular offense to our dignity and liberty may be forgotten, but it is just another example of how we're moving toward a totalitarian police state. With the current Occupy Wall Street protests & the counter-enforcement actions of the police, we're getting a lot closer to the point where America will either start shooting out of necessity or shut up and endure their slavery in silence. No other option is available anymore; all peaceful avenues of redress have been eliminated - and all that remains is the illusion of a peaceful option.
Up the Resistance!
~William Flatt
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