
Folks, two stories popped up on my radar this morning, that taken together spell trouble. And yes, I had my tonsils taken out when I was a child, but I still have my paranoids.
The first is this from Politico.com:
August 20, 2009
Charlie Cook: Dem situation has 'slipped completely out of control'
Charlie Cook, one of the best political handicappers in the business, sent out a special update to Cook Political Report subscribers Thursday that should send shivers down Democratic spines.
Reviewing recent polling and the 2010 election landscape, Cook can envision a scenario in which Democratic House losses could exceed 20 seats.
"These data confirm anecdotal evidence, and our own view, that the situation this summer has slipped completely out of control for President Obama and Congressional Democrats. Today, The Cook Political Report’s Congressional election model, based on individual races, is pointing toward a net Democratic loss of between six and 12 seats, but our sense, factoring in macro-political dynamics is that this is far too low," he wrote.
"Many veteran Congressional election watchers, including Democratic ones, report an eerie sense of déjà vu, with a consensus forming that the chances of Democratic losses going higher than 20 seats is just as good as the chances of Democratic losses going lower than 20 seats."
Cook scrupulously avoided any mention that Democratic control of the House is in jeopardy but, noting a new Gallup poll showing Congress’ job disapproval at 70 percent among independents, concluded that the post-recess environment could feel considerably different than when Congress left in August.
"We believe it would be a mistake to underestimate the impact that this mood will have on Members of Congress of both parties when they return to Washington in September, if it persists through the end of the Congressional recess."
By Charles Mahtesian 03:51 PM
The second is this:
Obama addresses immigration reform
By JOSH GERSTEIN | 8/20/09 6:46 PM EDT
President Barack Obama on Thursday managed to undo some of the damage he did recently with immigrants’ rights advocates — who were angered when Obama said in Mexico that immigration reform would have to wait until after health care and energy bills passed Congress.
Obama dropped in on a White House meeting with more than 100 immigration reform backers — and the message, according to some who were there, was that Obama would push for immigration reform even as the health-care debate continues to unfold.
“I think he’s more forward-leaning,” said Angela Kelley, an immigration reform expert with the liberal Center for American Progress think tank. “The takeaway from Mexico was that this is just kicking the can down the road. The takeaway from today is they’re rolling up their sleeves and leaning heavy into the issue.”
There was no indication that the president set a timeline for reform, though he said he expected Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to introduce and hold hearings on a major immigration bill this fall, participants said.
“He’s doing this and health care. He didn’t give an inkling that he’s going to back away from immigration reform. I think he’s ready to do the heavy lifting,” said Kelley.
The session was officially hosted by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, who has been sharply criticized by immigrant advocates in recent days for putting too much emphasis on enforcement and too little on reform legislation and making the immigration system more humane.
The meeting included advocacy groups, religious organizations, unions, employers and law enforcement. United Farm Workers Union President Arturo Rodriguez said participants delivered blunt messages to Napolitano that she needed to adjust her public message.
“Very frankly, one issue was that we want to make sure you’re communicating the importance of immigration as much as you are communicating the importance of enforcement,” Rodriguez said. “We are a nation of laws. We all understand that, but simultaneously we are a nation of immigrants as well that treats people with dignity and respect. We delivered that. I think she got that message loud and clear from everybody.”
“I think the secretary realized that she needs to do a better job on behalf of the administration but also in a way that supports the House and Senate moving forward. That’s significant,” said Ali Noorani of the National Immigration Forum. “The proof is in the pudding, and they’re still making the pudding. There are lots of things the secretary can do in terms of administrative changes and a lot of leadership she can exert.”
Participants said both Obama and Napolitano both brought up controversial arrangements under which local police partner with the federal government to enforce immigration laws. Critics have accused some local officials of using such deals to harass immigrants and, in some cases, U.S. citizens. Obama and Napolitano said local officials must be held “accountable” for their actions under the program, known as 287(g), attendees said.
The media was not allowed into the meeting, but Napolitano later issued a written statement emphasizing her commitment to reform.
“Today’s meeting on comprehensive immigration reform was an important opportunity to hear from stakeholders and build on the significant time I’ve spent on the Hill meeting with members of Congress on this critical subject. I look forward to working with President Obama, my colleagues in Congress and representatives from law enforcement, business, labor organizations, the interfaith community, advocacy groups and others as we work on this important issue,” she said.
A spokesman for Obama, Nick Shapiro, said Obama’s message has not wavered.
“The President understands our nation’s immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed, and that’s why he asked Secretary Napolitano to work with stakeholders and Members of Congress to move the legislative process forward on this important issue. The President has consistently said we would begin work on comprehensive immigration reform this year, and that’s what we’re doing,” Shapiro said in a statement.
Napolitano’s office released a list of attendees at the meeting. The roster of employers invited was heavy with technology firms, such as Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Microsoft, and Oracle, who often press for visas to hire foreign citizens. Lower-wage employers such as McDonald’s, Tyson Foods, and Wal-Mart also attended.
Noorani said he was pleased with the meeting, but wouldn’t say immigration reform advocates are yet satisfied with the commitment Napolitano or the White House have shown on the issues.
Asked if they are now on the same page, he said, “At the time of the Inauguration, we were in the same book. At this point we’re in the same chapter, but it’s a long book — and we read at different speeds.”
Alright, what does this mean? That right now it looks like they're going to maybe lose power in the House, where the money comes from? Can't happen, not to them. And they're going to move forward NOW on illegals which will only worsen their electoral danger? Now, between getting illegals "legal" enough to motivate them to vote thanks to La Raza plus ACORN, the SEIU and a deaf, blind Justice Department, that would give them a few million new voters come November, 2010, but not enough to offset the votes that more outrage generated by amnesty will sap from them. That is to say, not enough to steal the election.
Folks, they're gonna need another "crisis." Something big, bad and scary that convinces people that they NEED Big Daddy Gubmint.
And if we don't get one naturally, one will be provided. Bet on it.
Get ready.
They've got one ready to go.
H1N1 has simmered down for the moment but saw a news bit this morning that there are 1,800 cases in AL and there have been 2 deaths in the state.
There's a sorority house on the UA campus with an extremely high incidence of it.
The press is just keeping this issue warm for them.
Agree with you totally. But here is my personal nightmare:
Obama serves one term, then is elected Secretary-General of the United Nations.
No pesky Congress to deal with and no lowly Constitution to worry about. Unfettered madness.
Barry or Bill could be SecGen and they would be as powerless as the puppets who have warmed that seat since the end of WWII.
The UN does not have a significant source of income, a sovereign space, or ability to project independent military force on members and non-members.
I agree, there will be another False Flag Operation to stir the pot.
Follow the money, and major public assets like fresh surface water.
H1N1 is a canard and most people saw through it in the first 2 weeks, aside from the press and the minority that drank the zOMG!!!1! kool-aid on how bad it is.
It's a flu. Not a particularly bad one, either, unless you are a fatty or already sick. The only reason the numbers are high on the Mexican flu is because nobody is immune to it. Talk to me about that again in a decade.
The Administration builds its' own minor crisis at every turn.
What are Obama Cabinet members thinking when they try to find money in the VA by shifting costs for service-related-injuries/conditions to a Vet's private insurance carrier?
I understand that this small change in billing policy is worth Billions of Dollars to the VA/Treasury, but there are unintended consequences to individual service members, current/separated/retired and their families.
The #1 consequence is that insurers will raise rates on vet's whose status is known. Insurers will demand more extensive/expensive examinations at the vet's expense before issuing a policy. Insurers will begin specifically excluding coverage for "military service related prior conditions" which can be almost everything, depending on the opinion of the insurance-paid doctor following up on a nameless voice of claim denial on the telephone. Or, insurers will essentially blacklist all veterans from health and life policies at standard rates.
Employers will hesitate to add a military vet to the company, because group-rates for everyone could go up. Even spouses of a veteran may find some difficulty in getting a job with family medical insurance when they find out about the spouses' war injuries. It's a chance they can't take, even though it might be illegal to do so because of their military status. There's always a legal reason to not hire someone.
My experience with Farmer's Auto Ins. in Oregon is that they pay only as a last resort after a suit that they are overwhelmingly wrong on is filed. All contact before that is defensive and coverage-denial based. It's as if they have thousands of staff in the Dept. of Claims Processing and Denial, and one part-time girl who writes claim payments, which are all signed by an executive CFO (who is mostly "out of the country"). This is what the VA hospital (greatly enlarged Billing Dept's) will model themselves on.
The United States has a moral and legal obligation to pay for duty-wounded and injured Veterans at the highest possible level of care and technology available with the objective of making them fully-functional, AT NO COST to the Veteran or his family.
There were voices in the wilderness in 1989/90 warning about the immense cost of medical care required to service surviving wounded troops. Those same voices spoke up again before the 2003 invasions of Iraqistan. The chickens are home to roost with 40-something GWS and 20-something GWII, and not-yet-drinking-age troops back from The 'Stan who all need something from the VA.
Modern body armor and battlefield medicine have greatly increased the number of incapacitating/disabling, but not lethal, injuries. A dead soldier is relatively inexpensive to the VA in cash, but an injured soldier who needs a lifetime (maybe 50 years of 24/7 for a TBI patient) of care is a situation that Al Quada could only dream of as an economic burden on The Great Satan, especially when repeated 10000 times.
Police the world / invite the world is an expensive policy. It's not one that the citizens would vote for.
We'll take care of our broken GI's, too, and make robot arm/legs for 'em, until we can grow the limbs back. That's a bill we should keep paying, even if the banksters & pencil-f**kers need to do without.
“Very frankly, one issue was that we want to make sure you’re communicating the importance of immigration as much as you are communicating the importance of enforcement,” [United Farm Workers Union President Arturo] Rodriguez said. “We are a nation of laws. We all understand that, but simultaneously we are a nation of immigrants as well that treats people with dignity and respect. We delivered that [message to Sebelius]. I think she got that message loud and clear from everybody.”
“We are a nation of laws. We all understand that, but simultaneously we are a nation of immigrants…”
Then doesn’t that make us a nation of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS? If so, why did 20 million illegal immigrants get immunity from deportation? Whose dignity and respect is preserved thereby--the lawbreakers'? This policy runs contrary to our stated national goal of legal immigration.
Yanqui, Yanqui, go home…so we can follow you there and plunder your national resources. Sheesh!
Mmm. Maybe, Mr. V, but Obama will have to tap-dance VERY fast to get this to fly. The last time they tried immigration reform it blew up in their faces.
Then again, desperate people do desperate things...
Obama serves one term, then is elected Secretary-General of the United Nations.
No chance. First, they have had ample opportunity to see how incompetent he actually is. Second, even if he is their favorite American, he's still American. If Bill Clinton didn't get it, he sure as hell won't.
And they will have it my friend 'cause there isn't alot, short of the ghost troop and such that can even see it comin'. I hope we can all communicate a bit closer here in the near future.
Intel Ops is important to our greater scheme of things.
Just my humble opinion.
Mike I’m afraid they got their false flag event all ready in the works its called forced vaccination.
I heard too many doctors and former intelligent agents claim this new vaccine contains live virus and adjuvant that will cause problems.
Mike its not going to take very many people being vaccinated in a given area to spread the disease if people are in fact shedding the virus.
Plus we now have the new claim the gun registration is constitutional with people like Alan Gotlieb and Alan Gura leading the way.
No wonder KABA no longer allows unregistered posting in their comment section.
P.S. I hope the 3% movement isn’t a hoax cause were going to need to fix some problems in the near future
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