Forgive me for disturbing your Memorial Day, but this subject needs to be addressed in a timely fashion.
Jackie Junti sends the link to a Seattle Times story below, with her comments, including a quote from Eric Hoffer: "You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
According to the story, people in black robes are getting frightened. Given outrages of justice such as the Olofson case, I reckon they have a right to be.
I have long contended, attempting to warn those who think the Leviathan can act with impunity, that if the law and the Constitution no longer protect us, then it no longer protects them either. This is the predictable consequence of Waco Rules, reinforced by the object lesson of the blatant framing of David Olofson. Why, if we cannot expect a fair trial in federal court, SHOULD we respect federal judges? There is certainly no incentive to do so.
And if federal judges have the long-term memory of a fruit fly, many American citizens remember what they do not. They have forgotten the Original Sin of Waco, but we have not.
They have forgotten the multiple miscarriages of justice that characterized that federal massacre of citizens at the hands of their own government, but we have not.
They have forgotten that no one in the federal constabulary or the Mandarin class of politicians and judges was ever held to account for it, but we have not.
They have forgotten it because they wish to forget it, but we who wish to remain free cannot.
Even sixteen years later, therefore, Waco is not an unfortunate scar upon the body politic as some would conveniently believe, it is an oozing abscess that still threatens to become a deadly systemic infection.
You see, we remember why the FBI chose to conclude the stand-off with an assault on 19 April, the birthday of Eliot Ness, the ATF's patron saint.
We remember why, even as the flames leaped over the funeral pyre of dead babies, that the FBI went in and raised an ATF flag with four stars on it -- marking the four dead ATF agents who died in the original assault.
We understand the message the FBI was sending -- WE are the Leviathan. YOU do not DARE kill any of US, even in legitimate self-defense (which is what a Texas jury later found it to be) without being paid back 20 to 1, even if that means we asphyxiate and burn your women and children along with you.
If we believe Eric Hoffer, the FBI has shown us what the Leviathan fears -- death, personal or impersonal as your perspective might be -- death at twenty of them to every one of their victims.
Can we then expect, as the Gangster Government grows more rapacious and its depredations upon life, liberty and property grow more widespread and tyrannical, and the opportunities for redress within the system become fewer to the point of becoming a bad joke of mythical memory, that employees of that criminal gang will NOT be assassinated?
I do not advocate the assassination of federal employees, but given the twin abscesses of Waco Rules and now Olofson Rules, I understand the thought process.
To quote a contemporary California neighbor of Eric Hoffer's, the equally celebrated American thinker Frank Zappa:
Do you love it?
Do you hate it it?
There it is,
The way you made it.
This was the point of my recent letter to Eric Holder, who was right in the middle of that horrific crime and cover-up. "There are no more free Wacos," I said. The article below just underscores the point I was trying to make.
Mike Vanderboegh
Threats against judges, prosecutors escalate
Threats against the nation's judges and prosecutors have increased sharply, prompting hundreds to get 24-hour protection from armed U.S.S. marshals.
By Jerry Markon
WASHINGTON — Threats against the nation's judges and prosecutors have increased sharply, prompting hundreds to get 24-hour protection from armed U.S. marshals. Many federal judges are altering their routes to work, installing security systems at home, shielding their addresses by paying bills at the courthouse or refraining from registering to vote. Some even pack weapons on the bench.
The problem has become so pronounced that a high-tech "threat management" center opened recently in Arlington, Va., where about 25 marshals and analysts monitor a 24-hour number for reporting threats, use sophisticated mapping software to track those being threatened and tap into a classified database linked to the FBI and CIA.
"I live with a constant heightened sense of awareness," said John Adams, a federal judge in Ohio who began taking firearms classes after a federal judge's family was slain in Chicago and takes a pistol to the courthouse on weekends. "If I'm going to carry a firearm, I'd better know how to use it."
The threats and other harassing communications against federal-court personnel have more than doubled in the past six years, from 592 to 1,278, according to the U.S. Marshals Service.
Worried federal officials blame disgruntled defendants whose anger is fueled by the Internet; terrorism and gang cases that bring more violent offenders into court; frustration at the economic crisis; and the rise of the "sovereign citizen" movement — a loose collection of tax protesters, white supremacists and others who don't respect federal authority.
Much of the concern was fueled by the 2005 slaying of U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow's husband and mother in their Chicago home and a rampage 11 days later by an Atlanta rape suspect, who killed a judge, the court stenographer and a deputy. Several pipe bombs exploded outside the federal courthouse in San Diego last year, and a drug defendant wielding a razor blade briefly choked a federal prosecutor during sentencing in New York. In March, a homicide suspect attacked a judge in a California courtroom and was shot to death by police.
The Justice Department and FBI continue to investigate the Seattle slaying of Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Wales, who was shot Oct. 11, 2001, in the basement of his Queen Anne home. From the outset, investigators suspected a commercial-airline pilot whom Wales had prosecuted in a fraud case because the case continued to generate ill feelings even after charges were dropped. Federal marshals immediately placed another prosecutor in the fraud case under 24-hour guard.
Although attacks on federal-court personnel have not increased, the explosion of vitriolic threats has prompted a growing law-enforcement crackdown aimed at preventing them. The marshals service, which protects judges and prosecutors, says several hundred require 24-hour guard for days, weeks or months each year, depending on the case.
"We have to make sure that every judge and prosecutor can go to work every day and carry out the rule of law," said Michael Prout, assistant director of judicial security for the marshals, who have trained hundreds of police and deputies to better protect local court officials.
"It's the core of our civil liberties," Prout said.
State court officials are seeing the same trend, although no numbers are available. "There's a higher level of anger, whether it's defendants or their families," said Timothy Fautsko, who coordinates security education for the National Center for State Courts in Williamsburg, Va., and said threats come from violent offenders along with divorce, probate and other civil litigants.
Threats are emerging in cases large and small, on the Internet, by telephone, in letters and in person. In Washington, D.C., two men have pleaded not guilty to charges of vowing to kill a federal prosecutor and kidnap her adult son if she didn't drop a homicide investigation. The judge in the CIA leak case received threatening letters when he ordered prison time for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff. A man near Richmond, Va., was charged with mailing threats to a prosecutor over three traffic offenses. The face of a federal judge in Washington, D.C., was put in a rifle's cross hairs on the Internet after he issued a controversial environmental ruling, judicial sources said.
Hundreds of threats cascaded into the chambers of John Roll, the chief U.S. district judge in Arizona, in February after he allowed a lawsuit filed by illegal immigrants against a rancher to go forward.
"They cursed him out, threatened to kill his family, said they'd come and take care of him. They really wanted him dead," said a law-enforcement official who heard the calls — which came from as far as Richmond and Baltimore — but spoke on condition of anonymity because no one has been charged.
David Gonzales, a U.S. marshal in Arizona, said deputies put the judge under 24-hour protection for about a month, guarding his home, screening his mail and escorting him to court, to the gym and to Mass.
"Some deputies went to church more in a week than they had in their lives," Gonzales said.
The stress nearly overcame Michael Cicconetti, a municipal-court judge in Painesville, Ohio, after police played a tape for him of a defendant in a minor tax case plotting to blow up the judge's house. Cicconetti evacuated his family for a terrifying week in which they were under guard and stayed at friends' houses.
"I couldn't go to work for two weeks. I was too shaken up. I couldn't think," he said. The judge now has a security system in his home — and a stun gun within reach in court.
Sibley Reynolds, an Alabama state court judge who prosecutors said was threatened last year by the son of a defendant convicted of stealing about $3,000 from a humane shelter, packs the real thing — a Colt automatic pistol. He keeps it under his robe, in his waistband.
"I don't go anywhere without my security with me," Reynolds said.
Court officials could not say how often judges arm themselves. But the marshals have installed home-security systems for most federal judges since the Lefkow incident, and many are removing their photos from court Web sites and shielding their home addresses.
The Judicial Conference of the United States, the policymaking arm headed by the Supreme Court chief justice, soon will distribute a DVD with security tips. It will be called Project 365, for security 365 days a year.
"Judges today are far more security-conscious than they ever have been," said Henry Hudson, a federal judge in Richmond who is working on the DVD. "I don't think it's at the point where it's interfering with their judgment and dedication to their jobs."
They know NOT what true dedication implies,nor any other means of real justice OR Truth.
It is completely lost on them all..
"and the rise of the "sovereign citizen" movement — a loose collection of tax protesters, white supremacists and others who don't respect federal authority."
Pravda is still in business, I see.
And the simple-minded writer of that article quotes an equally simple agent of doublespeak, when he quotes:
"We have to make sure that every judge and prosecutor can go to work every day and carry out the rule of law," said Michael Prout"
If this cretin thinks ( and I doubt that he does) that today's judiciary has even a passing familiarity with the 'rule of law', then he has been properly propagandized by his masters.
All in all, I found the article quite humorous. Welcome to our world, dirtbags.
PS - To all vets - and the families of vets - God bless you and keep you, and thank you above all, for the great gift of your service.
Shoot a fed judge and/or president and your kid is guaranteed a superstar TV career. Ask Woody Harrelson. Perhaps that dead judge actually tried to do good, leaving evil judges to take over?
I thought all these rants vs fed judges was just BS, until I had several trials in fed court, both civil and criminal. The civil trial cost me $170,000 in legal fees and $1-million in lost income. The fed judge previously worked as a US prosecutor with the corporate defense laywers, allowed them to use pergery and admittedly forged documents from an employee who admittedly didn't exist, and sent the case to private arbitration where the private "judge" demanded $30,000 cash (bribe) from the defense lawyers on the first day of arbitration. The court of appeals ordered the arbitration was illegal.
Fed judges are pure crooks who ignore The Law. DAMAGES is the closest thing to reality I've seen on TV, re the bribing of judges by "campaign contributions".
Any lawsuit filed in fed court results in lifetime blacklisting, even when you win, due to online databases of all trials (LexisNexis).
If and when I win my fed traffic ticket appeal, all "petty offense" convictions since 1997 must be overturned in East TN District and perhaps nationwide, for judges failing to follow their own Local Rules and US Constitution.
They still fail to grasp the mood of The People. They think it's only isolated nutcakes they have wronged who despise them. Anyone who is NOT outraged hasn't been paying attention. They grumble when they get a ticket for no seatbelt or a fine for paying their unconstitutional taxes late, but they don't make the connection between that and Waco and Kelo. It's just a matter of degree, a longer chain for a less-noticed dog.
Two things; One) I was twelve shorty in my estimation of parity.(figure it out)
Two) isn't it amazing how quickly they see our side of self-defense, especially in light of the decades of sowing fear in the citizen,how quickly they experience almost incapacitating fear.
Ok, ok, three things; Three) these cowardly bastards are the people we're afraid of?
IF they were applying the "rule of law", they wouldn't have to have these fears!
Hooray for the example of Harold Krassny.
Let us also not forget Ruby Ridge.
yes, Ruby Ridge, and that great Ameican hero, Lon Whore-a-hootchie, fearless murderer of women, children and pets, scourge of decency, justice and morality, nemesis of goodness and the American way of life.
We can't forget HIM, his Momma must be so proud!
If judges would ALWAYS follow the laws and the constitution to the letter, instead of bending the laws and constitution to mean what they want them to mean... then there wouldn't likely be very many people who felt they had been unfairly treated. Also when people who are on trial and evidence clearly shows that they are "NOT GUILTY AS CHARGED" should not be railroaded and convicted anyway. When our constitution no longer is respected by our government and courts, then likewise the populace will refuse to respect all other laws. Many people will not obey laws if our own government refuses to do the same.
And, these are the same SOBs who would deny you and me the right to keep and bear arms.
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