With A being anarchist and * being the mathematical symbol for asshole.
Anarchist jokes, beyond the fact that anarchists are themselves bad jokes personified . . .
Q. What does a trotkyist taxi service look like?
A. They tell you where you're going and how to get there.
Q. What does an anarchist taxi service look like?
A. The driver-passenger relationship represents an essential hierarchical relationship which must be broken down through long co-operative discussion and decision-making. Once all the occupants of the taxi are on equal terms, and those external to the taxi are aware and comfortable with their freedom to associate or disassociate with those within the taxi, discussions of possible destinations can begin in earnest.
Q: Why do anarchists always drink herbal tea?
A: Because proper tea is theft
Where do you hide your money so your anarchist roommate won't find it? Under the soap!
How many anarchists does it take to change a light bulb? The light bulb can't be changed, it can only be smashed!
How many anarchists does it take to change a light bulb? None. Anarchists never change anything!
I can hear the collective grooooaaans and the sound of a high-hat cymbal after some of those lines.
Not to imply of course, that the 'high hat', so called, in truth, is entitled to, or occupies, any higher position than any other cymbal, notwithstanding the societal assignation of a perceived, though false, heirarchical superiority. Let us all be co-laborers in shattering the limitations of the cymbal caste paradigm.
u mad?
less trotsky, more tolstoy. less change, more christ.
I will if I ever get the chance.
Your probably not interested in details but there are anarco-capitalists.
I'm one.
There's more than one flavor of anarchist.
You are describing the leftist/communist/socialist (but I repeat myself) variety.
Then there are the anarcho-capitalists, or free-market anarchists, who are all about property rights, and merely believe that taxation (not property) is theft.
Wow. Way to make a blanket statement about people that support you, yet you obviously don't understand or know anything about.
Especially, when you quote one prominently on your blogpage...
Yeah, what've you got against Mama Liberty? She's a dyed in the wool anarchist and there's nothing wrong with her. Lots of III'per anarchists out there, I think you need to draw back on your brush. Marxists aren't anarchists and that's what the black maskers are.
I'm a believer in ordered society and individual voluntary cooperation (we are not islands). I'm a believer in a peaceful society and peaceful interactions between individuals in the market place of property, ideas, etc. I also believe that private property and that the division of labor through a price based system is a primary cornerstone if not THE cornerstone of human progress, but I do not believe government is necessary for any of this to transpire.
Government can come along and codify/enforce these norms or behaviors after the fact but law comes from us and our habits and traditions.
This makes me, for lack of a better definition, an anarcho-capitalist I suppose. Anarchy simply is the absence of government but the word will forever be negatively associated with destruction, neo-nazis, etc.
Also I'm sure that Mike nor anybody else appreciates being told what or how to think so if there are any fervent believers out there of any particular philosophical persuasion please don't forget that we all have more to learn than to teach at times and bees tend to like honey more than they like assholes.
Mr. Sulfur - non Anonymous as you have my email address Mike.
ps Your "How I teach history" article was wonderful.
Great light-bulb joke (the last one).
Personally, I like Tom Knapp's train analogy. We're all headed towards liberty, but some of us, the ancaps, want to go further on the train than others, the minarchs. Personally, if we could get back to the Constitution, narrowly interpreted and rabidly enforced, I'd be happy to forget about politics and focus more on writing code.
"Personally, if we could get back to the Constitution, narrowly interpreted and rabidly enforced, I'd be happy to forget about politics and focus more on writing code." Yes! Thank you Bill.
As for the rest of you, please see above, "Yes, yes, yes, etc."
Did I miss something? Usually this kind of philosophical break comes after some provocation - which I haven't seen on this blog yet (maybe I'm blind).
"Yeah, what've you got against Mama Liberty? She's a dyed in the wool anarchist and there's nothing wrong with her."
Ahem, knowing her personally, and having "discussions" with her face to face, that is a stretch, a loooooong stretch.
There's a difference between being an anarchist and being retarded. I'll take any allies and any step toward freedom I can get and support it. We're in such a collectivist state, world wide, in every country, that there's no point quibbling over the Constitution or the existence of the State because the current mafia goons couldn't care less one way or the other. Even though I disagree completely with many of the provisions set forth by the Founders for the fed gov (monopoly over the money supply, coinage, postal service, defense, etc, etc ..) I'm not going to go ahead and throw tantrums over that when we have an insane fascist in the oval office nationalizing, continuing Bush's policies of malpractice and misjustice, pissing on the Constitution, and such.
Oh, and yeah, in irony I'm posting this anonymously. If I ever made a 'blogger' account I can't remember its name.
I would like to state beforehand that I agree with everything in the above post by Anonymous except the following. But I just HAD to say this. I'm in that divisive kind of mood.
The government wasn't really "supposed" to have a monopoly over defense. That's what the 2A was for in the first place. The main, home defense of most of the country was supposed to fall to those "well-regulated militias." The fact that they don't has more to do with most people being apathetic about their own defense than a true citizen should.
"Did I miss something? Usually this kind of philosophical break comes after some provocation - which I haven't seen on this blog yet (maybe I'm blind)."
Not blind. I filter the posts here (mostly to keep the neoNazi, antisemitic and racists from pimping their own POV). The innumerable anonymous anarchist posts I'm railing about, you'll never see and for the same reason. This is MY blog. If they want to present their ideas, they are more than welcome to get their own blog. More to the point, I refuse to be insulted gratuitously on my own blog.
And the Mama Liberty thing is a red herring anyway. I have no problem with her or any other principled anarchist of whatever shade. The people who piss me off are the anonymous, insulting, holier-than-thou "or I'll take my pretty anarchist ball and go home" types. And believe me, they are numerous and annoying.
If they're the annoying tail causing me to kick the entire anarchist dog, forgive me. And if they have that effect on me, someone who is actually predisposed intellectually to give their ideas some credence, imagine what they do to the uninitiated.
Please see above, "Yes, yes, yes, etc."
Finally, I have no problem with folks posting anonymously. I do have problems with people insulting, blustering and threatening while posting anonymously.
Dutchman6 said: "If they're the annoying tail causing me to kick the entire anarchist dog, forgive me. And if they have that effect on me, someone who is actually predisposed intellectually to give their ideas some credence, imagine what they do to the uninitiated."
Heh, don't worry about it. Most of my fellow anarchists are easily offended. They haven't developed the kind of thick skin you get from having rational and intellectually stimulating conversations with the uninitiated. Most of the time they just rant and rant and alienate everyone they talk to, including fellow anarchists and libertarians.
We're anarchists, we're automatically hated by a huge majority of people. We are (or should be) used to it.
Yeah. silly of me to say perhaps, but I will never forget a particular evangelist saying that you cannot be a TRUE patriot unless you are Christian.
Oy gevalt. Hetch atu aloh etc usw.
You know, I haven't seen anything mentioning deep sea fishing rights!
Very funny, Sean. I, however, have, it just didn't make it to the blog. Some of these anarch-anon's screeds run to PAGES.
If endless screed-writing was the path to true power, Anarchists and Libertarians would have to stop writing instantly, because they would rule the world.
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