Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Upon the choice of defecation or blindness.

A bureaucrat contemplates his choices. . .
I just sent this email letter to the head of the Alabama Department of Transportation. I will send him a hard copy by mail today.
Sent: Wed, Jul 22, 2015 6:06 am
Subject: re: Your designated "Death Zones" at Alabama Welcome Centers. If you thought all you have to do is weather the switchboard meltdown, ya got another think comin'.
John Cooper, Director
Alabama Department of Transportation
1409 Coliseum Boulevard
Montgomery, AL 36130
re: Your designated "Death Zones" at Alabama Welcome Centers. If you thought all you have to do is weather the switchboard meltdown, ya got another think comin'.
Dear Director Cooper,
I'm sure you're familiar with the current furor over your department's designated "Gun Free Zones" at state welcome centers. In the wake of multiple mass shootings, including the latest in Chattanooga, these are more properly known as "criminal free fire zones," or "victim disarmament zones," or, my personal preference, "Death Zones."
I will not waste your time arguing points of logic or law, however, knowing bureaucracies such as yours are largely impervious to both. Let me explain what comes after you ignore the current switchboard meltdown you have created.
Introductions first, though. My name is Mike Vanderboegh. I am the citizen journalist who, with my friend David Codrea, first broke the story of the Fast and Furious scandal on my blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars, on the Internet in December 2010. We also got the ATF whistleblowers together with the senators and then with Sharyl Attkisson, then of CBS News, and the rest, as they say, is history. (See Sharyl's recent book Stonewalled --we're in Chapter 2.) I have been a Second Amendment activist for the past 20 years and I am founder of the national Three Percent movement. The Three Percenters have been denounced by none other than that paragon of moral virtue Bill Clinton and I have been a perennial favorite on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of dangerous folks. But then as my friend Kurt Hofmann says, "It is better to be despised by the despicable than admired by the admirable."
More to the present point, however, I have been a national leader in the armed civil disobedience "I Will Not Comply" movement that has flouted the post-Sandy Hook anti-firearms laws in the states of CT, NY, MD, CO, WA and OR. I am proud to say that I have broken all those laws publicly over the past two and a half years and each time the state authorities have declined to arrest me and my friends, perhaps because we were armed and in considerable numbers each time we did it. Indeed, the authorities of those states don't seem to know whether to defecate or go blind when confronted with citizens that they have declared to be newly-minted felons. We don't back down, we don't cower when confronted with state threats, and we most assuredly don't act like any class of criminal they have ever seen before.
I tell you this to assure you that the choice of defecation or blindness is currently headed your way. For if you ignore the telephone blitz you are currently experiencing, I will be my honor and my pleasure to lead "I Will Not Comply" armed civil disobedience actions numbering (at least) in the hundreds of participants at every Alabama Welcome Center in the state, as well as in front of your headquarters.
So, I hope you save us the trouble and reverse this dangerous and deadly policy. But if not, you will look back on the switchboard meltdown with fondness for the good old days when bureaucrats thought they could ignore the law and the will of the people.
Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson AL 35126


Anonymous said...

It's been a little while since I traveled the interstates in AL and required the use of a rest stop. I seem to recall, however, that the rest stops have not allowed guns for some. Perhaps I'm thinking of FL or MS or LA. When I have used them I simply ignored the signs (making myself a criminal, of course). While the staffs were present many times, either they couldn't tell that I was armed or weren't concerned enough to be alarmed.

Backwoods Engineer said...

"Indeed, the authorities of those states don't seem to know whether to defecate or go blind when confronted with citizens that they have declared to be newly-minted felons."

You really love that phrase, don't you, Mike? I guess it's an Alabama thing; I never heard it in my childhood in West Virginia. Can you tell us the origin? Is there a story that goes with it?

FedUp said...

The expression "don't know whether to shit or go blind" has been around for quite some time. It means you're stuck in an impossible dilemma.

Anonymous said...

LMAO, amazing writing, well done sir! Haha!

Galaxie_Man said...

@B.E: FedUp told you what the phrase really is. Mike always speaks or writes it "defecate or go blind" to ensure it will be printed or recorded without being "*****" out or bleeped out, and gets the point across to the tyrants and their sycophants.

the Plinker said...

I'm an Alabama guy, Mike, and will be happy to join you at any rest stop, any day you decide to call for such a demo. Just post the info here as to time, place, and date. HOO-yah!

Anonymous said...

What do you need Mike for? He has brought the matter into the lite, all you need to do is, pick a rest stop and go by yourself or with friends and supporters. Go armed with your usual carry piece and use your cell phone camera, especially if you go alone. I am sure there are gun rights supporters who can advise you. In short, take the responsibility yourself and act!

Plinker said...

Gee -- when are you heading out, "Anonymous"?