Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"The Breakup of the United States: Why It’s Such a Terrible Idea."

"The short version is: Forget 1861-1865. Forget Sumter and Pickett’s Charge and even Antietam and Cold Harbor. Think, for a United States that begins to break up, of Beirut in the 80s, except written across a continent, written large, and written in blood."


Anonymous said...

Being that I live in a very "Red" county just a couple of counties north of very "Blue" NYC I can easily agree with everything he's saying.

Pat H. said...

The southern states made a huge mistake when they entered into the constitutional compact with the Yankee states.

We hope to correct that problem via requiring the United States government to leave our lands.


rexxhead said...

His analysis is very close to mine:


jon said...

not bad, but not an entirely complete analysis. texas is for texans, for instance, whether the rest of the country likes it or not. democrats in texas would be happy to secede under the right conditions: they would still be democrats, and they would still fight with republicans, but at least they would all be texans.

to the extent that there are california liberals invading our state and seeking to interfere with our way of life -- thus setting a counterexample among the democrats -- there is no less of a counterexample among texan republicans who seek to interfere with US national business when they should be more concerned with local matters. it is not a stretch to imagine deporting both to the US-minus-texas for their disloyalty once you've already imagined texas actually seceding!

even without that political reality, we're sure to remain recalcitrant, as sure as if the state border was a national one.

no analysis of union or disunion is honest if it does not admit that over time, empires always fall, and unions always end. the question is not "whether we should do it or not because it will be good or bad," the question is, when it comes, how gracefully will you be able to handle it?

Anonymous said...

Texas needs Maryland. Virginia needs Wyoming. Alaska needs Hawaii. Kentucky needs Minnesota.

Based on the writings of the Founders, it seems to me that they wanted any "refreshing" of liberty to be directed inward. A reset button for the Union, not a self-destruct button.

I may be opposed to certain Presidents and Congressmen, but I do not wish to see their offices terminated.

Certain bureaucracies not specifically created by the Constitution? That's different.

Anonymous said...

I would add not only Lebanon, but the former Yugoslavia. If you people have not already do so, go to the SHTF Plan website. Selco lived through the festivities in the former Yugoslavia. It is a revealing story.
Then, find the book: A FAILURE OF CIVILITY. That will help your preps. Things are going to get very ugly, very soon.

Anonymous said...

I would add not only Lebanon, but the former Yugoslavia. If you people have not already do so, go to the SHTF Plan website. Selco lived through the festivities in the former Yugoslavia. It is a revealing story.
Then, find the book: A FAILURE OF CIVILITY. That will help your preps. Things are going to get very ugly, very soon.

Anonymous said...

Here we have an idiot leftist, explaining why a conservative rebellion will resemble the leftist nightmare dictatorships of Mao, Pol Pot, and others. What you dont get is that leftists will put your kind down just to maintain you as tax cow for their social programs. What he fails to miss means more and more loss when this finally starts, because I will not end up in a ditch with a leftist holding a government purchased weapon to the back of my head.

Sean said...

Most of his article is good, but he tries to excuse and conflate George III. The man was a tyrant, no matter how you paint it, and he wanted both to exploit the colonies and keep them. He allowed policies that caused great misery and death to captured Americans in New York harbor, and failed to restrain his military when they committed other atrocities while prosecuting the war. Don't forget that he also did not restrain his Navy from kidnapping (impressing) British subjects from sovereign American shipping to serve on his ships, without recourse to trial, law, or relief. And last of all, he sought through the use of his armed forces to DISARM Americans. King George III was a tyrant, so we may as well say so.

Anonymous said...

We are POLARIZED. At that point, union is maintain through established inertia of need and old sentiments. If a people wishes to govern themselves, why the hell not? WE did that. Was that the only time an argument could be made for American self determination?

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. There simply is no other way. The forces of good would do well to consolidate a stronghold and convince a leader to stand tall and begin the process of disconnection from this fucked up nightmare. Imagine the number of patriots that would leave their current AO to establish a sanctuary somewhere. Imagine the impact on the sheeple seeing this happen. Imagine the hue and cry from illegals as they were shipped out to the border of said area. Imagine the camaraderie of those folks who joined up and went there. It's an idea who's time has come. Attempts at Bringing back the FUSA which has been completely over run
would indeed make Beirut look like a swell place.

Paul X said...

Utter rot.

There are many places already where liberals are no longer constrained in any real sense by conservatives (and vice-versa). Some people actually like living in San Francisco and New York.

I lived in one of the most conservative states in the nation, Wyoming, and created the Wyoming Liberty Index to monitor the bills passed in the legislature.
I watched year after year as this legislature, always heavily conservative, trampled liberty. And it wasn't immigrants either, it was good old boys with a generations-long presence in Wyoming.

People need to stop whining about liberals, and clean their own house.

The reason for secession is to reduce conflict, not to increase it. Let people go their own way and experience the result of their choices, and let us do the same. We do not need the federal government (or the UN for that matter) homogenizing this country into something pleasant for the ruling class.

The reason to oppose secession is love of empire, and throwing our weight around in the world. We know how well that has gone. Great for the ruling class and the cronies, not so good for the rest of us.

He worries about Beirut. There was no secession in Beirut! Beirut is what will happen to us if there are no secessions, with different factions battling to control the cudgel of one gigantic government.

Anonymous said...

Trying to find "A Failure of Civility" is impossible! It seems it has been "disappeared".

prambo said...

Looks like a modern day rehash of Chittum's book from 1997 - "Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America" (http://www.amazon.com/Civil-War-Two-Breakup-America/dp/0929408179/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1421179352&sr=8-1).

It certainly puts the book into a more up-to-date context.

Read it in 1998-99, anyway, before Y2K (THAT was a lost opportunity), and dismissed it as racist rubbish.

Read it again a few months ago - he appears to have been very prescient - if you check out his "checklist" of things to watch for, it's getting close to fully tic'ed off.

Regardless, both the article, and Chittum's book, have a certain resonance and symmetry from behind enemy lines here in the NYS North Country.

Add the increasingly institutionalized insanity of Fed.GOV and the craziness in the rest of the world, and it looks like a rough time is in the cards.

prambo said...

"A Failure of Civility"

There's a copy available on Amazon - ONLY $499.00!!!

Must be damn good!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the article is correct. An american civil war would be bloody beyond belief.
Those of you who disagree with the article need to realize that the country is not divided among geographic lines but along ideological lines. There is no homogenous zone in the entire US. Find the most conservative state in the union and look at election results and you will see that even in those states a significant fraction of voters went for the liberal. Yes, even in SC, or KY, or TEXAS.
The consequences of this are astounding. If we were geographically organized, an amiable split might be possible. But we arent, so it isnt. It would be the bloodiest civil war of all time.
The article is important because those who advocate a civil war as a means to cure our ills need to realize what they are asking for. OBTW, do we expect China or Russia to sit idly by and let us have our little squabble unmolested? Ever see two bucks fighting while a third makes off with the doe?
We all agree the staus quo is not sustainable but we need to face the truth of what a civil war here would really look like...and 1861-65 aint it. It will be worse. Much much worse. If we can restore Constitutional governance in any other way, we must! Only psychopathically evil madmen would choose such a war as a strategy rather than a last and final resort.

Anonymous said...

"The southern states made a huge mistake when they entered into the constitutional compact with the Yankee states."

But post-War of Northern Aggression they didn't enter into anything! The former members of the CSA were conquered and forcibly repatriated. They had absolutely NO say in the matter. The victorious northern states just did as they damned well pleased!

It is a basic fact of existence that absolutely nothing lasts forever. As a physics teacher friend of mine put it, "Even protons decay." The principle of entropy means that eventually everything turns to shit. That includes nation-states and even civilizations. I agree somewhat with his assessment that the breakup of the USA will be bloody. I genuinely believe that when our republic breaks up that the U.S. economy will collapse taking with it the rest of the world. The only "good" part of the process will be that, with the collapse of our current world-wide distribution web, Muslim states will be hardest hit - for the simple reason that no Muslim state feeds itself. All are net importers of food. With no place to purchase food and no ability to grow sufficient quantities of their own (being stuck in the 1st half of the 1st millenium in agricultural methods generally). Therefor the nations feeling the worst effects of the collapse of our current globe-girdling civilization will be predominately Muslim.

Anonymous said...

The author raises some good points but fails to mention others such as the unacceptability of edicts from Federal judges, and the disregard of the Constitution, among other liberal crimes against the dignity and rights of we the people. As played today, the game (which involves our very LIVES), is totally rigged against we the Constitutionalists. Horrible, bloody, or unthinkable as a civil war will be, the present state of affairs is INTOLERABLE and UNACCEPTABLE.

Anonymous said...

The problem is not the union itself but the usurpation of sovereignty by an artificial central government. Wrest the power away from Washington and return to to the original intent of unionization. This was intended to be a trade alliance among the sovereign states to keep business good for all. We've gone off the rails.

Anonymous said...

First point, my side has all of the guns. What Yugo-Beiruit-1860s Missouri-whatever would be pretty short lived. My people can feed themselves and are armed to the teeth. The other team could not feed themselves were it not for a styrofoam container nor could they provide for their own defense. There is a down side to sitting in Ivory Towers and being disgusted with the Plebs in fly-over county and this is it. Fuck them and everything they stand for.

Second point, the author equated extreme right wing to pointy hats. Really? Last time I checked, collectivist asshats were an arm of the D's. Same goes for the National SOCIALISTs. Science proves that people tend to be conservative and as such want to live in peace and not bother or be bothered. The absence of lefties is the absence of PC bullshit. I welcome it with open arms.

The dissolving of the Union would be easy on the homefront but an absolute nightmare would evolve globally unless there is a strong Germany or GB to keep commerce going on the seas. If I lived in any former Soviet satellite I would certainly brush up on my Russian and look for a place to stash the womenfolk. The Caliphate would probably be too involved in a Ottoman-Persian-Saudi war to cause too much trouble elsewhere. The spice must flow, so African and South American oil would be at a premium. I bet the Japs and South Koreans would get a bit nervous once Taiwan is pacified.

Anonymous said...

When I started using Blogger, in this web site, I used the Betsey Ross verison of the flag for an avatar, me being old and ugly and that flag being a symbol of freedom.

I recently changed it to the Green Mountain Boys flag, also of the Republic of Vermont, as that'll be what I'll be fighting for, as did my ancestors.

Glad to see some other familiar flags flying, with my compliments to the owners.