Thursday, January 8, 2015

Now THIS is the $64 Billion Dollar Question. (With apologies to Hal March, who unlike Alan Gottlieb, was an honest man.)

Kit Lange, Washington state firearm rights activist, asks the pertinent question: Bill Drafted to Repeal 594, But Will WA Gun Rights Groups Back It?
Since the passing of I-594 in Washington State last November, there has been a growing divide between patriots and gun rights groups. The gun groups have cautioned folks not to defy the law, calling for legislators to stand up and repeal it. Rep. Matt Shea has confirmed a completed draft to repeal I-594 in its entirety, but we’ll get to that in a moment. In an article published just before the I Will Not Comply rally in December, Adina Hicks dismissed the rally and the patriots that chose to defy the law. . .
“What we need is action. What we need is people contacting their legislators and getting the Legislature involved to fix the nightmare that is 594.”
I’m glad that Ms. Hicks brought that up. You see, Rep. Matt Shea has confirmed to me that he has drafted a bill that will repeal I-594 in its entirety. In other words, everything that WAFLAG, Alan Gottlieb’s Second Amendment Foundation, and a list of other gun rights groups have been claiming they wanted is right here.
The real question is whether they’ll support a bill that repeals every single word of I-594. While Adina Hicks is on record as being anti-background checks, we all know that Alan Gottlieb loves them; even going so far as to support the Manchin-Toomey Agreement—which, by the way, was a lot like I-594 in that it forced universal background checks. And what about the rest of the gun rights groups jumping on the WAFLAG/SAF bandwagon for the so-called “Rally for Your Rights”, where you’re asked to leave your long guns at home so you don’t scare anyone? Will they be standing for liberty and supporting Rep. Shea’s bill? Or will they feed us yet another round of mealy-mouthed excuses why they don’t have the stones to stand up?
Jackie Juntti forwarded this article to her email list with the comments:
Alright Washington State folks, Time to put your time, money, and efforts forward to accomplish this. Gottlieb (GOT LIES) isn't going to do anything to repeal I-594 as that isn't his purpose. He is just another of the snake heads who will work to protect the SNAKE BODY.
The Hot line number for Washington residents is 1-800-562-6000 - Make sure your critter understands they better get behind Rep. Matt Shea and get this gun grabbing bill REPEALED. We have the RIGHT to Keep and Bear Arms - the opponents want us to PEEP AND BARE ARMS.
And for those of you who take exception to our characterization of Gottlieb as fundamentally dishonest, try this trip down memory lane:
Gun control pulls everyone's trigger, and Gottlieb is usually happy to be the media bull's-eye. But he wasn't so fond of that role in the 1980s, when some of his own employees turned on him. In a lawsuit, they claimed he was wrongly using SAF funds for his personal benefit, and tried to wrest control of the nonprofit. (The disagreement even came to blows in 1984, when police were called to break up a scuffle between Gottlieb family members—his wife is also an SAF employee—and the rebelling workers.)In a drawn-out court fight, Gottlieb countersued and ultimately prevailed: A judge dismissed the employees' suit and stuck them with $30,000 in damages. A contented Gottlieb said he used the money to buy himself a black Corvette. Adding to the spectacle, Gottlieb at the time had just finished serving a year-and-a-day prison term related to a tax-evasion investigation. He pled guilty to a federal charge of failing to pay a $29,396 tax debt (with penalties and interest) on his personal income five years earlier. As a convicted felon, the man who advocated unrestricted gun ownership couldn't own a gun. But as an ex-con (he did his time in a Spokane work-release facility), Gottlieb discovered a little-known program administered by the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. It allowed him to regain his gun rights in 1985, after an ATF review concluded he was a worthy nonviolent offender.


Anonymous said...

Desai twitter


Backwoods Engineer said...

You're telling me Gottlieb is a 'prohibited possessor' under GCA-68, and that the ATF is actually in control of the SAF? It is possible to believe the first without accepting the second. What, then, of Alan Gura, he who won the Heller, McDonald, and Ezell cases?

Dutchman6 said...

No, BE, I'm not. Read it again. The ATF approved the reinstatement of his civil rights. I don't even really object to his pleading guilty on the tax evasion charge. The key point for me are the allegations of using his position (and the money that people send him) for private gain. You have to ask yourself, where did the money to holiday in Hong Kong after the defeat of I-594 come from? Now I WOULD be interested in the answer to that.

Anonymous said...

Well, the last thing I'd whack Gottlieb for, is non-payment of taxes. Paying taxes to the tyrant is not a virtue. Submission is not a virtue.

Anonymous said...

If I am Bloomberg the best thing happening is Gottlieb, who is carrying his water from the so called Pro gun side.

Maybe that Hong Kong trip was just Bloomberg way of saying thank you!

Watch out folks not only is our Washington state Judenrate busy bringing background check cheer to us all here but what he wants next is that everyone has to go get a smart gun (you know the kind they can turn off every time they visit your hood).

I wonder where Bloomberg will be sending him for his holiday after that future victory?

Comrade X

Anonymous said...

Well then, the ATF could EASILY then just change its mind - as it does frequently. Basically, gotlies is a prohibited person exempted from being prohibitted!!! See why he WANTS the ATF to retain I'll gotten "discretion"??

That said - Id like to point out that the WE WILL NOT COMPLY rally IS people "contacting their legislators".

Now we know WHY gotlies actually filed suit against PARTS of that legislation. This can be used as leverage, as bait, in lobbying! No need to risk a vote mr or mrs legislator.... Let me eliminate PARTS of this thing so we can SPLIT the opposition!! That way we can keep at least some of the controls.....

As for the question about Gura - he lost me when he willingly conceded that GOvernment "obviously" holds the authority to permission slip enumerated RIGHTS. Everything he does litigation wise is CEMENTING that premise. I submit that this deliberate tanking, helping cement this FALSE PREMISE, is a NET LOSS to not only individual liberty but also to the Constitutional Republic itself. Gura has done some good things but the cost is just too damn high.

We are being PLAYED. To me, the SAF has joined the NRA and I will now refer to them both just the same. Gun control groups disguised as gun rights groups.

Anonymous said...

'Leadership' is such a heavy responaibility and so exhausting.

For well earned rest and recreation Some Golf in Hawaii - others go to Hong Kong for new bow ties!


TimeHasCome said...

The Washington State legislature will refuse to fund I-594 . The Republicans control the Senate and they are two votes from controlling the State House . All statewide wide Initiatives have an expiration date of 2 years and this one has 23 months to go.

Unknown said...

N egotiating
R ights
A way

S acrificing
A ctual
F reedom

Anonymous said...

TimeHasCome but;

Control there's a problem; when a petition is passed by the people with 59% a lot of so called conservative GOPer's get kinda weak knee.

Don't count your chickens till they hatch, don't ya know!

And you can bet that Judenate Gottlieb will be showing them a way out that make the anti gun people very happy!