Thursday, January 8, 2015

My sentiments exactly.

Slain French editor: "I'd rather die standing than live on my knees"


MamaLiberty said...

Sure, but that dying would only come after an unsuccessful effort to do everything possible to kill or disable whatever was trying to kill or subjugate me.

So being armed, ready and able to defend myself - by whatever means necessary - has to come before such statements or they are basically meaningless.

The journalists exercised their freedom of speech... and basically left it to a nebulous "other" to defend that freedom.

Paul X said...

MamaLiberty, I'll bet this event eventually worms its way into the consciousness of a lot of people. It's better to have a gun and not need one, than to need one and not have one. Imagine that!

Anonymous said...

Sure, I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees. But only sending a few of the rat bastards (of whatever stripe) to the hell they so richly deserve first. And that means being armed, with or without Teh Gubbment's permission.

B Woodman

Neil Wampler said...

My first thought after hearing of the attack in Paris was; Impossible! this can't have happened! the strict laws against gun ownership in France have eliminated such "Gun violence!".Reasonableness,appeasement, Tactical Retreat and plain lack of huevos have gotten us to where we are today - backed against the wall.

Crotalus said...

Yeah, neither of those are my first choices. I'd rather have the weaponry and the will to kill the son-of-a-bitch who wishes to inflict either one on me.

FSHB said...

The iconic image of the French policeman on his side turned away from the masked jihadist with his hands up sums up the whole matter. If you do not have the means or the will to defend your rights, excercising them in a brutal world will get you killed.