Friday, August 1, 2014

Sharyl Attkisson on the Fast & Furious document order.

Although this is certainly an unpleasant development for Eric Holder, her description is a little more tempered and fact-based than the earlier Judicial Watch triumphalism.


T. Paine said...

Holder and obonobo are not bound by the rule of law. This all means nothing.

Anonymous said...

There are only three reasons Obama won't be impeached, control of the senate, control of the media and Speaker Shithead.

There are only two reasons lots of people including the president aren't in jail. Eric Holder.

And that's why he's there.

Left Coast Conservative said...

So, Judicial Watch has their court order. What will they do, what happens next, if the DOJ simply refuses to produce the required documents?

Will Eric Holder send someone to arrest himself?