Friday, June 6, 2014

What Happened to Marine Deserter Wassef Ali Hassoun?

Hassoun denied desertion charges, came back to the U.S. for trial and then deserted a second time after failing to return to Camp Lejeune after visiting family in Utah. In 2011, Hassoun's family sought a $1 million book and movie deal in Hollywood. One of his brothers said the fugitive Marine was with family in Lebanon.


Anonymous said...

Mike, I worked with the Marine CI specialist who did the repatriation of the POS in question. The CI specialist warned his superiors that Hassoun was a flight risk, and he recommended pretrial confinement. It went unheeded. He took off to Lebanon with assistance by the family.

Anonymous said...

I'm really beginning to wonder if we can really trust Muslims to serve in the Armed Forces. The actions of Ali Hassoun and Maj. Hassan - and those are just the ones we KNOW about - seem to me to make any/all Muslims at best security risks and at worst direct threats to our national security. Remember, these people's religion allows (encourages?) them to tell any lie, break any oath, do whatever is necessary to carry out he "holy" mission of jihad. How canyou trust a man whose "God" rewards him for lying to non-believers?

Short answer is ... YOU CANNOT!!!!

However, I am not so naive as to believe someone would be denied a security clearance simply because they espouse a religion which makes them perfect deep cover agents. With what I now know about Islam and Muslim beliefs, I will never trust a Muslim again for the few years I have left.