Friday, June 13, 2014

The unnerving Minerva Project. "Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown."

Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom and sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy. She was born from the godhead of Jupiter with weapons. From the 2nd century BC onwards, the Romans equated her with the Greek goddess Athena. She was the virgin goddess of music, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, and magic. She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl usually named as the "owl of Minerva", which symbolizes that she is connected to wisdom. -- Wikipedia.
Minerva-funded social scientists tied to Pentagon counterinsurgency operations are involved in the "study of emotions in stoking or quelling ideologically driven movements," he said, including how "to counteract grassroots movements."
Yeah, I know this is from the collectivist Guardian, but they may be on to something here.
Prof Price has previously exposed how the Pentagon's Human Terrain Systems (HTS) programme - designed to embed social scientists in military field operations - routinely conducted training scenarios set in regions "within the United States."
Citing a summary critique of the programme sent to HTS directors by a former employee, Price reported that the HTS training scenarios "adapted COIN [counterinsurgency] for Afghanistan/Iraq" to domestic situations "in the USA where the local population was seen from the military perspective as threatening the established balance of power and influence, and challenging law and order."


sdharms said...

you cant challenge "law and order" in the USA anymore. There is no law. BHO has moved us to anarchy.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, maybe we should be using code words on this blog, eg: I love what is happening to the US, I support unrestricted illegal immigration, Obubbles is a great Prez. Hmmm.

Paul X said...

"Minerva helps fund basic social science research that helps increase the Department of Defense's understanding of what causes instability and insecurity around the world."

How about invasion and occupation of foreign countries for the benefit of the ruling class and cronies? That might do it...

"BHO has moved us to anarchy."

If only that were so, since it would mean BHO has stopped ruling us. I suspect you mean he has moved us to dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

At this point I don't believe it matters whether we speak in code words or real words; the only thing that will reverse this tyranny is an armed stand against those who wish to keep us suppressed.

Just keep this in mind:

Every cause has an effect.
Every scene has a sequel.
And every action has a reaction.

The first one above has played out; the second one is in progress; and the third is set to begin.

Film at eleven; viewer discretion advised.

Anonymous said...

Pierre a une longue moustache.

Je le repete.

Pierre a une longue moustache.

Anonymous said...

Manipulation of the public mind was always part of this plan. This is why they need and have control of the media and will have to control the internet eventually, or at least suborn it.

The Soviet model proceeds on course.

Anonymous said...

None of this means shit unless they disarm us....and that starts the party.
Stay vigilant...they're going to try, sooner or later.