Friday, June 6, 2014

Need your help.

For whatever reason, my latest open letter to Eric Holder has received little reaction and scarcely any links at all, it seems. These things are not primarily for the addressee, as you probably know, but rather for folks on our side -- to make points they need to consider and to give them a perspective different from the prevailing "all-is-lost" defeatism that is out there. Can you, gentle readers, please try to distribute this as best you can to your own networks? I'd appreciate it, and I know that Eric Holder will too. ;-)


WarriorClass III said...

The founder's Republic has been dead for 150 years now. There are now as many foreigners as native born Americans in this country due to the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, most of whom are collectivists, and if they weren't when they got here, they are after 12 or more years in the indoctrination day-prisons euphemistically called "Public Education." The Constitution has been ignored, maligned, and finally trashed by the Federal Government. There are no more borders. We are in no sense of the word a "country" anymore - no homogeneity of people, no common beliefs, no law of the land, no borders.

We must also realize where we are in prophecy. We are facing the final (bankster) war before the revelation of the son of perdition, and the great rebellion against Yahovah (incorrectly translated as "the falling away" or "apostasy" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3).

We are on the cusp of the Great Tribulation and most believers already sense that. There isn't going to be any restoration of our Founder's Republic, and the next war is not going to be a fight for freedom, but for survival, for Truth, and for many, martyrdom.

This is not a sense that "all is lost" because we believers know that Yeshua said when we see these things, "look up, for your salvation is nigh."

But before that time, we are facing a certain civil war and a superpower war, very probably at the same time. And there's nothing anyone can do to stop that now.

This weekend is a double Sabbath. The weekly Sabbath that starts this evening, and Shavuot that starts Saturday evening. I strongly recommend we all spend this weekend in deep prayer and reflection, and pray for the latter rain to strengthen us for what lies ahead. This is the reality of where we are at this time in history; get ready.

Kenny said...

Warrior Class III-
I pray ALL will come to know thru personal relationship the Lord Jesus. Sir, You are 100% correct and I salute you.

Anonymous said...

I sent this out to the entire WGEN national list so it got a lot of coverage thru me.
My thanks to you for all you do for educating others.


Anonymous said...

I am of the opinion that America is out of gas, circling the drain, running on empty, pick whatever description you want.

The moral, ethical, and spiritual rot is too widespread, and too deep.

Either we decline slowly over the next few decades, and as a nation go collectively insane with one bad policy after another, or perhaps an EMP attack or a CMW event will knock us off the board in one smooth motion. But it's going to happen sooner or later.

10% of California voters voted for Leland Yee for Attorney General. He is not only a gun control supporting scumbag, he is not only under federal indictment for gun-running, he is also not even running for election anymore. And still, several hundred thousand people voted for him.

11% of Americans 12 years old and older are on antidepressants. At least 70% of Americans are on some form of prescription drug, God only knows how many of those people are addicted to those prescription drugs.

3000 abortions are performed Every Day in this nation. Abortions are one of the most, if not the most, performed operations in this nation.

I'm not even going to mention our commander-in-chief, and everyone he's appointed and everything he's done.

There are many more slimy politicians who value the future votes of illegal immigrants once they are granted "amnesty", over their own constituents.

On and on and on...

Does this look like a nation on the rise?

Dakota said...

I do not worry about the coming of the Son of Man. I know not when that day will come, neither does any of you. I will continue to fight evil as I see it and gladly turn the reins over to Jesus when he shows up. Until then I will do the best I can.

Anonymous said...

The only thing thy saves this county now is for a while bunch of congress critters and others - including Obama and holder GO TO JAIL.

Only by rounding up the crooked bastards and putting to them exactly what they have coming - jail, trial, convictions and prison/ gallows will honor and redemption settle upon this very lost and aimless society.

Today we experience an autopilot tyranny, where the system itself IS the tyrant. It operates because a select few refuse to simply pull its plug.

The founders knew that without money, no corrupt governance could continue - which is why the money was put in a purse with the strings tightly controlled by the peoples house. Yeah yeah yeah, Obama is a crooked fraud. But the silent speaker could drop the gavel and end it. That he doesn't shows just exactly that the fix is indeed in.

So then. Top four party politicians in both houses, the usurper and about a half dozen or more cabinet flunkies ALL have to snapped up an dealt with as would gave been a century and a half ago. Absent that, this nation is literally on borrowed time and WILL descend into chaotic civil war. People pay no attention - to Holder especially. Sorry, but folks are oblivious - intentionally.

Watchman said...

I Posted It On It now has 350+ views in the past 15 hours...

Tom Lacovara-Stewart said...

Mike....this is Tom....I just posted something on you on Resurrect the Republic website....I will add the letter to Holder and will highlight it on the my office and let me know if you want to come on the show and discuss it. 856 426 8391

Anonymous said...

Aside from a couple comments, most are non-responsive. Are you going to help Mike with a reasonable request or just use a forum he works hard to provide to change the subject?

Anonymous said...

I have put it out on Twitter a few days ago, no comments yet, can't see how many views though.

Anonymous said...

Will re-share... Thanks. Mike. Taz, FL