Monday, June 2, 2014

More from Will Grigg on "The Baby-Burning Stormtroopers of Habersham County, Georgia."

“Bad things can happen. That’s just the world we live in.”


Anonymous said...

Hmm interesting arrangement the Feds have with Barney Fife there. Ole Barney mentions that the individual was "Asian", sounds like that is something special. He used his SRT team. Jesus what a combination, Low IQ, racist, militarized jackass.

Jesus he hit the asian thing again. Twice in one interview. Sherrif Terrel turn in your gun. You sir should not have a gun or a badge.

Anonymous said...

It is not the world we live in..... snarc koff
Real Men Breathe a little Life into their Women and Children. BACK to YOUR Crypt, DRACULA!
:Holy Water Boils, hisssss:

Anonymous said...

Soon to be soap-dishes?

Anonymous said...

See more of US sponsored insurgents in Eastern Ukraine in the city of Luhansk . Five civilians lost their life today when a US supplied munition dropped from a Ukrainian fighter jet . This is $5 billion of our money at work . Brace yourself.........

Anonymous said...

Anon at 4:45 - I noticed the same thing. He keeps pointing out that the suspect is Asian, as if that makes him more of a threat. Crime stats show Asians are the least likely to commit crimes or be violent by far. The white homicide rate in 2011 by firearm was 2.9 for whites, but 1.0 for Asians.

Is he worried that the Asian will have a much higher IQ? Why this emphasis on the guy being Asian? We should all contact media types and ask them to ask the sheriff why the focus on the guy's race when the race is the least violent and criminal of all races in the US!

Sedition said...

When someone eventually pops a cap in one of his cop's asses, I'm personally going to email the prick with his own quote:

“Bad things can happen. That’s just the world we live in.”

AJ said...

If you like your 'War on Drugs', you can keep your War on Drugs'. Period. Even if you don't like it, a whole lot of cops, feds, judges, lawyers, prison guards, and stockholders in CCA are depending on it for their livelihoods. Nothing personal.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how well the Habarsham county sheriff's department (Special Ones) would like it if someone(s) were to kick in THEIR doors and throw flash-bang gernades into THEIR houses?? I just bet'cha there would be a full on investigation THEN. Ditto for the narc snitch. "Snitches get stitches."

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

This sheriff better pray very hard that societal break down does not happen,,,,does he really think this is going to be forgotten?

Anonymous said...

My comment...

Notice :Job opening.
Where: All Georgia Police departments
Job Description: Law enforcement officers
Must be maximum 2 hop inbred certified by licensed family tree expert
Must be a certifiably psychotic, narcissistic, sociopath, with aggressive violent component .
Must have provable record of illegal drug and alcohol use, violent and racist behavior, and prior DUI and illegal gun possession.
Must pass violence potential exam.
No education or literacy test required
No prior experience required
No training required
Qualifying skillsets : Creative use of Tasers, batons, wristcuffs, body weight, fists, weapons, law, misleading, falsifying reports, lying, and other forms of law enforcement techniques.
Perfect candidate will exhibit deranged, delusional, deviant and depraved behavior in one real on the street test. Ideally, candidate will succeed in the identification of potential arrestee by race profiling, self determined probable cause, and exploitation of circumstance in furtherance of asset forfeiture cases. Best case scenario will result in death of target suspect.
Please submit resume if literate, or apply in person if not.
Potential candidate must pass 10 yes/ no questionnaire on civil rights knowledge, qualifying with one right answer.
Extra consideration for candidates named bubba.