Sunday, June 1, 2014

In junta-ruled Thailand, reading is now resistance

In a country where the army has vowed to crack down on anti-coup protesters demanding elections and a return to civilian rule, in a place where you can be detained for simply holding something that says "Peace Please" in the wrong part of town, the small gathering was an act of defiance — a quiet demonstration against the army's May 22 seizure of power and the repression that has accompanied it.


Shawn said...

Next step they will be burning books in pyres.

Anonymous said...


Sanders said...

I suggest you watch the video at:

The Thais were getting rid of a corrupt government much the same way our corrupt government needs to go.

I don't know if you do the Flakebook thing, but Michael Yon is boots on the ground in Thailand and gives daily reports about what's going on. The people seem to be quite happy with the coup, but the corruptocrats and commies aren't happy at all.