Friday, June 6, 2014

Holder reanimates "Frankenstein monster"

If sentiments such as expressed by Vanderboegh are what Holder's task force is looking for as indicators of domestic threats, so be it. If the truth shall set you free, and telling it is a dangerous business, that should be all people of conscience need to know. Perhaps if enough voices join in amplifying those sentiments, presumptive overlords pushing beyond the rule of law will come to understand their incentive for restraint, if not out of principle, then out of pragmatism and self-interest. Government is the creation of man. Ours was meant to secure the blessings of Liberty. It was never intended to be a destructive monster spreading fear and death among the people.


Mark Matis said...

These are not NEW to the FBI and DoJ, Yank III. They have been there since AT LEAST 1992.

Lon Horiuchi. And EVERY "Law Enforcement" officer or DoJ employee who worked with him after Ruby Ridge.

Anonymous said...

Good comments, and as Mike reminded Err-rack, there will not be another free Waco. How will this turn out? Well, I have a thought, and it centers on the millions of guns and tens of millions of rounds of ammo purchased or produced by other patriots like me since Bo-Zo dropped in on us.
This has not been done so we can back up and stand against the wall with hands raised.
What kind of fight will we put up, Err-rack? Try to stuff a cat into a boot and you'll have an idea.

Anonymous said...

"Fear and Loathing in DC". What a concept. Truth is always stranger than fiction.