Tuesday, June 3, 2014

CT: Malloy doubles down on stupid.

Malloy joins interfaith effort to pressure gunmakers
Unable to enforce the Intolerable Act he's just passed, now Malloy wants to coerce the firearms manufacturers remaining in his state.
We need a graphic of a concentration camp gate complete with a sign that says "Arbeit Macht Frei" over the gate and another photo-shopped sign down below that says "Dannel Malloy Holiday Camp For Firearm Owners and Manufacturers." Anyone want to try their hand at that?


FedUp said...

I'm lazy, so I'd just take an old pic of the Auchwitz gate and caption it "Meanwhile, at the Dan Malloy Holiday Camp For Firearm Owners and Manufacturers..."


Anonymous said...

The word picture is enough!

Perhaps we have a volunteer for the first batch of "100 Heads"?

Just asking!


Anonymous said...

If any of you have been following the
khappering of Justina Pelletier from
her parents over a year ago, by various
doctors at the Boston Childrens Hospital
in Massachusetts, Governor Malloy seems
to have not featured at all in those

Glenn Beck reported on this; so did
some at Democratic Underground. One
good source is Phillip Hickey, PhD
at his site madeinamerica.com