Sunday, June 8, 2014

Collectivist Infiltrators: "Revenge of the Liberal Foreign Policy Wonks."

How a network of young activists and intellectuals made their way to the top of the national security establishment.


Anonymous said...

Reading this piece one can pretty easily conclude that these "wonks" are quite proud of themselves, as wonks always think they are the brightest light on the tree.

They, or similar wonks have more than likely been running Obamachik's foreign policy the past 6 years.

I would say that any reasonable person would believe that they still have a ways to go.

The Wikipedia definition for a "wonk" is this:

....."a person who knows a lot about the details of a particular field (such as politics) and often talks a lot about that subject"......

They are not at all reluctant to tell you just how much they "know" or think they know. Personally I think we have seen the results of way too many "wonks" in DC town and perhaps it should become a "hanging offense".

People like Lawrence Summers, who has served several administrations are worth just about as much as the paper out of the parakeet cage. My dad would say that if you bought him for what he was really worth and sold him for what he thought he was worth, you could become rich.

Our nation is being run into the sewer by these freakin know it alls!

Anonymous said...

I might add the same thing has occurred in many administrations. Think neoconservative wonks under Bush II. Or McNamara and company or Kissinger and company under Kennedy/Johnson & Nixon.
Probably not going to change in a democracy with changing administrations. The question is whether those in charge recognize issues and failings and change staff & policies to be successful.

Anonymous said...

This article does not pass the smell test. So Liberals had no policy and no say in foriegn policy, so got together in 2004 to set up an organization which now has taken charge...
Liberals have been talking and proposing foreign policy continuously, both in power (Clinton years) and out. Did you ever hear of 'The Nation', 'New Republic', etc.
You and I may totally disagree, but it does not serve the conservative cause to make up talking points like this.

Anonymous said...

Well this article certainly keeps the right-left paradigm alive! They're all on the same highway to hell, it's just that some give the appearance of being in the passing lane and others in the slow lane. When those in leadership positions hate the idea of a country run by the People it isn't an accident that they're screwing it up. It's well planned and executed.They're all easily bought with "print-all we-need" fiat currency and would move to Uruguay faster than Nazi leadership if our populace ever woke up and started using the Mussolini retirement plan on these guys

Anonymous said...

This is really simple.

The people who are in charge/have been in charge and are making these decisions are MARXISTS. MARXISTS who call themselves any other name, in order to avoid the baggage and history associated with that label.

It doesn't matter where they were born because MARXISTS, all of them, think and act by the same play book, used everywhere else in the world. They use it because it works, provided their target doesn't forcefully object and render their propaganda and propagandists, inert.

They do not leave willingly.

Marxism is at it's base, a criminal enterprise, cloaked in propaganda, design to take wealth for the leaders and their supporters, from those who produce it, and then blame everything bad that naturally happens, on someone else.

There are also those who are fellow travellers who also want to get rich and powerful, who are not dedicated Marxists, see the game being played and attempt to cash in.

Everyone else becomes their slaves for as long as they can control the public mind.