Monday, June 2, 2014

Before we celebrate the return of Bergdahl . . . “I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools.”

War is Peace, Citizens are the Enemy
The events leading up to Bergdahl’s disappearance from his Afghan base have never been clear. Some military officials have suggested that he left the base voluntarily and may have deserted.
Published accounts, especially a Rolling Stone report on Bergdahl’s emails home, suggest that the soldier willingly walked away from his unit soon after arriving in Afghanistan.
Rolling Stone cited emails in which Bergdahl told his parents he was “ashamed to even be American” and had lost faith in the mission. He also hinted at desertion, according to the report, and mailed home boxes of personal belongings such as uniforms and books. Bergdahl reportedly wrote that the “future is too good to waste on lies.”
An Associated Press examination of the case quoted radio intercepts, released by Wikileaks, as indicating that he was later captured while sitting on a makeshift latrine.
See also: “I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools.”
And: Mixed reaction to Bergdahl’s recovery by service members who consider him a deserter.


Anonymous said...

I know the PERFECT actor to portray him in the biopic of his heroic stay in Taliban captivity - Damian Lewis! (As in "Homeland"?) He'd have a leg-up on any other actor.

Anonymous said...

After all is said and done the most likely thing is he will get an Article 15 and be demoted to E-4. Then a honorable discharge. If not the message will be go A.W.O.L. and get promoted to sergeant.

Waiting In Idaho said...

If they do court martial this guy, please try his parents at the same time, for inciting him treason. His parents brain washed him from birth. Hailey, Idaho is a commie enclave.

Anonymous said...

This a-hole is responsible for the deaths of at least six other soldiers, all of whom were killed on patrols to find this deserter.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the NRA just pulled the same shit.
While "shooting" open carriers in the back - going so far as to call CARRYING A RIFLE "weird" - it says we Second Amendment supporters ought not commit friendly fire.

Well you know what? Just like this terrorist wanna be deserter, it's time to call out the traitorous actors openly. Gee, NRA, why not just come out openly for "common sense gun control"? Why not just admit it?

Anonymous said...

Oh and one more thing - look for Barry to pull out all the stops and see john walker lihnd freed from jail too.

Anonymous said...

This is NOT about Bergdahl, but rather about springing 5 "brothers" from gitmo.

The White House thought that Bergdahl would be "treated as a hero" and that would cover up the stink of the 5 Muslims being given walking papers.

But neither Obama, nor anyone in his circle is noted for any kind of real "thinking" as we can easily see.

I am glad this has blown up in the idiots face as his crowd deserves all the scorn we can heap on them.

Anonymous said...

Our dipshit president has traded 5 high-level enemy commanders for a Muslim traitor. View the movie "2016" to learn Obsma's motivation for doing that. If we don't keep the Republican majority in The House and gain a Republican majority in The Senate, we may be finished as a nation. That would greatly please Obama.

-Old Greybeard

Unknown said...

If we don't keep the Republican majority in The House and gain a Republican majority in The Senate, we may be finished as a nation.

Aren't Republicans also bought and paid for by the money changers?

There is no redeeming the War on Terror anyway: It's a cross between a racket war and a perpetual Orwellian war. Yes, that's painful to admit, especially with all the lives lost over it, yet whatever happened to "the truth will set you free"?