Friday, May 2, 2014

Twisting the truth to fit the meme. Apparently warning folks of impending civil war has become advocacy of same.

" ‘Fast And Furious’ Michael Vanderboegh Calls For Civil War At Bundy Ranch." No, I didn't. But then collectivists were never bound by the truth.
And at Russia Today, they can still write a story without even attempting to interview me, or even, it seems, watching the entire speech.


Anonymous said...

Lol@ you concocted fast and furious and also that your only source is the " only one" to walk guns.

It seems that fool took all the facts and then "reported" the exact opposite.

SWIFT said...

Low hanging fruit on the Left, will believe this ration of bullshit. (It's on the internet, so it has to be true!) Jeeeez, once more my anti-abortion stance, is seriously challenged

Sean said...

The comments from Hofenbrau over there are to die for. Seems there is nothing he can't lie about, as fast as he can. Facts are dismissed as fantasy. Absolute rubbish is intoned as fact. It may or may not trouble people like that, that they are spouting garbage like they do, but how can they ever believe that they will ever have any effect but to convince everyone that they are worthless? Guess it doesn't matter.

AJ said...

Just remember, the government is Jesus to these people, and one must not impugn Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else just NOT CARE anymore which lie these guys are spinning? The truth doesn't matter...and you can't explain it to most people b/c their attention span is either too short or they've made up their mind based on these flat-out lies from the MSM.

Unfortunately, when both sides reach this point....there's really nothing left to do but fight it out. Sadly, the time for talking this through with level heads is quickly coming to an end.

God help us all.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it would be a civil war. It would be better-described as the Second American Revolution.
I notice a congressman from Nevada is trying to get paramilitary groups within government agencies defunded.
Instead of using armed units within, he says they should use local law enforcement. I hope local law enforcement would be far less likely to fire on peaceful citizens in situations like Bundy's.
The congressman is, of course, a Republican.

Peter said...


"Breitbart Unmasked" is a website that has connections with Brett Kimberlin (The Speedway Bomber) and Neil Rauhauser, amongst others.

IIRC, the reason (or at least one of the reasons) that the site was founded was the silly notion that Breitbart "set up" Anthony Weiner, as though somebody forced Weiner to wave his wiener around.

Anonymous said...

Given Mikes abilities for "One Man Did This", We have to give Mike credit for his single handed drop in Indianapolis crime April 24-27

Damn, Mike Dispersed 100 teenagers!

Meanwhile out in the eastside it was business as usual for the thugs.

I hear the city of Lawrence wants to rent Mike/Superman for a couple of days.

SWIFT said...

I see in the Russia Today article, that the Einsatzgruppen Capitol Police, will be investigating the alleged threats against Harry Reid. Now, this is serious, as they have been known to shoot unarmed women in the back of the head. So, if they come calling, wear a kevlar helmet is case you have to pee.

Anonymous said...

Two more sites to bookmark under "Entertainment" for when I need a good laugh.

It is always good to look over the fence and see what the loonies are up to.

T. Paine said...

I seem to remember from my classic history lessons that Hitler concocted any narrative he needed to eliminate an opponent, often fatally. Oh but wait...that happened in Waco and Ruby ridge too.

Anonymous said...

Same kind of folks consider Mike's retelling of Grandpa V's maxim about poking Wolverines to be a threat against Harry Reid's (nonexistent?) manhood. They are perfect examples of the very thing Ronald Reagan was talking about in his famous quote, "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

But then their reply to Mama Liberty's sage advice about disturbances would undoubtedly be that nobody has to disturb us because we're already "disturbed".

Anonymous said...