Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Piketty Fallacy

Unfortunately, no bad idea ever truly dies.


Anonymous said...

"no bad idea ever dies"

certainly true. Lots of believers in classic capitalism even though it hasn't worked or been used by any nation for two hundred years.


Anonymous said...

ah yes, another ruling class sycophant. Fuck him. When's the last time HE spent 15 years of his life to document the truth..hmmmm?

The FACT is.. Piketty is scaring the fuck out of the ruling class. And it's about time...because HIS facts are IRREFUTABLE.. period.

quote"The main reason is that it proves, irrefutably and clearly, what we’ve all suspected for some time now —the rich ARE getting richer compared to everyone else, and their wealth isn’t trickling down. In fact, it’s trickling up.
Piketty’s 15 years of painstaking data collection—he poured over centuries worth of tax records in places like France, the U.S., Germany, Japan and the U.K—provides clear proof that in lieu of major events like World Wars or government interventions like the New Deal, the rich take a greater and greater share of the world’s economic pie. That’s because the gains on capital (meaning, investments) outpace those on GDP." unquote

Paul X said...

There is nothing wrong with a state pursuing the notion of income equality - as long as the people there support that. Or any other economic or political nostrum. If they have chosen poorly, they will figure it out eventually, by comparing their results with that of other states. The problem is the federal government, imposing these nostrums uniformly across the country. Human beings will always entertain bad ideas. The problem is bad ideas with no alternatives.