Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"It is well that we contemplate the abyss, if only to avoid it."

The Asian powderkeg could blow the world back into a 1914-style disaster.
This is an interesting column demonstrating once again Obama's feckless foreign policy dangers, but I was struck by that first line: "It is well that we contemplate the abyss, if only to avoid it." This is even more true of our domestic situation. Are you listening, Harry?


Anonymous said...

Funny that in the first part the writer posits that countries often act against their own self interest. Then in the final paragraph he states that we and our allies need to convince China that where China is headed is not in China's self interest.

Anonymous said...

Never underestimate the willingess fo the Vietnamese to go mano a mano with the Chinese. Been doing it for over two millenia. And that would pose an interesting policy dilemma for the squids at State.