Monday, May 12, 2014

Gary "Y2K" North & the Bundys.

I used to know a militia commander here in Alabama. He was a good fellow, led a large unit and had a solid national reputation. Then he got all caught up in Gary North's (he of "Christian Sharia" beliefs) Y2K profiteering prognostication. Many of us upped our preps for Y2K on the off chance that North was right, but this man took North's gospel to a whole different level. He dumped his wife, took a lover, abandoned his property and militia unit and went to the Gulf of Mexico to live out the end of the world on a sailboat, or so I was told by one of his disgusted volunteers who was left behind on the shore. Rather embarrassing for all concerned when the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it didn't materialize. Now North has opined about the Bundy situation on the 7th of May: "Weekend Play-Pretend Warriors in Nevada."
But these play-pretend warriors have not studied military tactics, guerrilla tactics, or public relations. They have not done what Jesus recommended. They have not counted the cost of their actions (Luke 14:28-30). If one of these blowhards ever suggests to you that you take up arms against the federal government, cut off all contact with him. You are dealing with a fool who has not read the Constitution carefully.
Uh, huh. North concludes:
Congress placed the militia under federal control in the Militia Act of 1903. It thereby turned the militia over to the United States Army. The President is in charge. The President has not yet commented on these weekend warriors. He is not Andrew Jackson. Jackson would have ordered them taken out over a weekend. That is what being a weekend warrior is really all about: one weekend. Anything beyond that is at the President's discretion. Imitate Gandhi, not David Koresh. Gandhi won.
Yeah, well, North apparently is ignorant of the Deacons for Defense and Justice, but no matter. I'm sure that Obama will be grateful that North has given him a ringing endorsement as commander-in-chief.


Paul X said...

I usually like what North writes, but sometimes I have to scratch my head and wonder what got into him. The courts are the solution? Seriously?

Unfortunately, this article has some truth in it, now defiled by its association with nonsense. Nonviolent resistance is very useful and we should use those methods when they are available to us. But without arms, it is a very difficult game to play, and you won't find many reliable practitioners in a nation that (unlike India) is not filled with people with literally nothing left to lose.

Worse than this, Gary is now carrying the ruling class water for them, with this article. Has he gone mad? Even if he disagrees with the "cowboys", there is a time for speaking up, and a time for keeping your damn pie-hole shut.

Anonymous said...

True it is that the militia was long ago called forth and also true it is that this, then, is today referred to as a standing military. Also true it is that the Commander in Chief is empowered to direct them at his sole discretion up until the point that Congress refuses to continue to fund his/her directives. Notice our Constitution specifically limits the timeframe of MILITARY budgeting as a built in check on that point. There is also the impeachment avenue, but I digress.

However, having went the conscription route, and learning the harsh lesson of it, in Vietnam, this nation has come to grips with the failure of trying to force freemen into being that standing military. For it to be effective, only volunteers - who may well have been called forth- create an effective fighting force.

Today, the Freemen answer the call on both sides of this line. They answer the call militarily and they answer the call in the "civilian" arena as well. Which one IS more powerful and which one HAS more authority? Why, the CIVILIANS of course.

Everything about our nations government is SUBSERVIANT to We The People. This is so declared. Governments derive their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed.

Those who claim "Supremecy" of government over the Citizenry are on the wrong side of history. Past, present and future!

Allen said...

in the revolutionary war sense, we've used the word "militia" when we really should have been using "the sons of liberty".

a "militia", in the proper definition of the word, is all of the able bodied men of a community. in that sense, most "militia groups" now are not like "militia" of old, but exclusive, secretive organizations more like the "sons of liberty".

remember, the Sons of Liberty groups were, as able bodied men, members of their local militias, but the reverse was not true.

Gunny G said...

What few people seem to realize is that Ghandi got away with his nonviolence because he was dealing with a law-abiding civilized nation, the UK. Had he tried that trash with the Japanese, for example, they'd have used him for bayonet practice and then lopped off his gourd.

Nonviolence only works when your opponent is civilized, as the USA v MLK Jr was but the USA today is no longer under the Rule of Law but the Rule of a pisspot tyrant.

Chuck Connors said...

Gary North makes some interesting observations. Its almost as if he is an agent provocateur for the regime. While I don't agree that they are valid and believe that North's loyalty to the Constitution and freedom is questionable we can use these points to better our logistics, strategies, and tactics. What do I need to do in these early stages of this 4GW conflict to further IPB in my AO?

jon said...

he went off the deep end over bitcoin, as well. too many snap judgements from him lately.

i get the impression he doesn't look particularly closely at things anymore.

nobody at that showdown fired a shot in anger. armed or not, without committing or suffering any actual violence, you are part of a non-violent incident.

Paul X said...

"What few people seem to realize is that Ghandi got away with his nonviolence because he was dealing with a law-abiding civilized nation, the UK. Had he tried that trash with the Japanese, for example, they'd have used him for bayonet practice and then lopped off his gourd."

It is a common misconception that nonviolent resistance only works against civilized enemies:

Anyway it makes no sense to discount nonviolent resistance because Gandhi could have been killed. Anybody in a conventional military action can be killed as well. The real question is whether the tactic ultimately works; and as far as I can see, it often does.

We would be foolish to throw away tools for resistance, just because we are unfamiliar with them.

SWIFT said...

When dealing with a regime that has clearly shown it will target women and children, including infants, that regime need not expect me to follow the principles of Ghandi. There is no place for his beliefs in the coming conflict. After Waco, it should be burned into every patriot's mind, that war should be an eye for an eye. If the enemy acts like savages, become the most barbaric figure in your AO. Leave the Mr. Nice Guy bullshit on the book shelf to your left.

Anonymous said...

I submit that all the resistance I've witnessed in near half a century has been nonviolent - as in waiting for the next election and the next and the next.

What we are "unfamiliar" with, in truth, is arming up and directly confronting the evil doers by actually refusing to back up even one more inch.....

But we are working on that....

Anonymous said...

Hmm. When North writes about certain things, like making money on the internet - he seems to know his stuff. But every once in a while, he uses his feet for target practice.

I'm guessing that the 'Christian Sharia' reference is in line with something I heard - namely, that North believes in Dominion Theology: the belief that America should be a Christian theocracy. Check out his Wikipedia page for details:

Note the capital offenses. I attended schools run by these types, and they made quite an impression on me. There's nothing like being a preteen and having an adult tell you to your face in front of a class that he would happily stand you up against a wall and execute you. It took me over 30 years to start to get past their nonsense and welcome God into my life.

I might have to take a pass on North's writings, since he seems to be sliding to the wrong side of the scale.

Anonymous said...

Gary North has another website,, that shares some content with The article is posted there as well. is a subscription site and does not allow comments. is a free site and comments are allowed. It is instructive and heartening to read the nearly 100 comments left there. They are heavily in support of Bundy and against North's view.

Anonymous said...

If I had said the things about Y2K that North did, and was wrong, as North was, I would be ashamed to show my face in public again.
But there again North is a propaganda no such luck.