Friday, May 9, 2014

FBI investigating Bundy supporters

Claims weapons were pointed at federal officers triggers criminal investigation


Anonymous said...

So now Jerseyites will have to buck-up or shut-up like New Yorkers and Connecticut-? (whatever they're called). The Northeast is officially behind enemy lines and if any or Jersey gun owner thinks they're running to safety by moving to N.H. or Vermont you are truly delusional. This fight WILL go "all the way". That's why Henry said "liberty or DEATH". Not "liberty or I'll move" or "liberty or I'll vote you out"..The time is quickly coming when we will all find out if we're made of the stuff Patrick Henry was, or the stuff a Woody Allen is made of...

Anonymous said...

90% of the armed supporters had hand guns that never left their holsters. I never saw one gun pointed at "law enforcement". BLM however kept both their tear gas grenade launchers and M4s either pointed or in low ready at us. The hundreds of pictures and videos on the net prove that. King Obama and Prince Harry and their attack dogs don't like armed subjects.

Anonymous said...

You do not send 200 armed Storm Troopers to collect a debt. In the past, maybe, but no, not any more. That is how this whole thing got started. This has to be made clear. The Government firearms pointed at the family and friends and supporters was, indeed, very provocative. The allegedly-owed back payment of grazing fees does not warrant the presence, by the Feds, of any Government firearms. Period.

Chris Bauman

Anonymous said...

So what if they did? Were the feds not pointing guns at we, the people? People need to remember that just b/c one is an officer doesn't give him "extra" rights. If you go around pointing weapons at people, expect them to respond in kind. Oh, and no, you can't use the excuse that the BLM was there exercising a lawful duty, since that action has to be (according to that old antiquated document, the US Constitution) under the guidance of the County Sheriff. Further, no court order authorized the round up and sale/slaughter of Bundy's property.

Further, the III community should extend the same protections to these people via the 100 Heads Life and Casualty plan as we do Mike and the Bundys.

An attack on one is an attack on us all.

Kenny said...

Not sure if the FBI is the correct investigating authority here. But as a Range Safety Officer, I would submit that anyone who has NO muzzle control should be held negligent. What, 3 Rules of Gun Safety?
ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

FG said...

Glass always begets glass.

Except when it's not seen.

Anonymous said...

Bloody Sunday is coming .. to a town near you.

The feds must think Americans are mice or something.

Continue on G-man, you will reap what you sow.

SWIFT said...

The FBI to investigate Bundy supporters? Let the perjuries and games begin!

Harry_the_Horrible said...

And, who didn't see this coming?

Rest assured everybody who was at the Bundy ranch was photographed or videoed and their faces are being run through face recognition software...

Anonymous said...

Wow, its ok for them to threaten murder as you slowly walk up to them, but ye' can't point a gun at them (which as a rule I don't support, i.e. a gun should never be pointed at someone unless you intend to threaten opening fire or are about to open fire). Still, double standard???

Nemesis said...

Ah yes! The old divide and conquer trick. So it appears that while the BLM may have snipers pointing their high powered weaponry at many unarmed citizens, it is not OK for those who were armed to point their high powered weaponry back at them!

If this is how the feds will now proceed with this, then a good lawyer is priceless!

Anonymous said...

I guess this is one way to suppress dissent. Throw anybody who dares to disagree with Big Brother into prison on trumped up charges. Since all the alleged unlawful acts took place in the same geographic area would the arraignments/trials all be held in that area? Do the Bundys live in the same county as Lost Wages or a different one? Reckon where the nearest federal courthouse would be? It's clear that at some of the fecal material is about to impact the wind machine. Hope you have a line on a REALLY GOOD criminal defense lawyer who isn't afraid to go toe to toe with the Feds. They have enough on you to get you for "terroristic threats" against a U.S. Senator (Harry - "nothing for the wolverine to rip off - Reid) and maybe sedition if they choose. Considering you'd be facing FedGov lawyers in a FedGov court presided over by a FedGov Judge I put your chances at somewhat less than those of a snowflake on the casing of a 25 megaton thermonuclear device. Depends on how bad they want to silence you for good.

Paul X said...

Pointing guns at others is a privilege reserved to the FBI et al.

Anonymous said...

Will this be a true investigation or another 'political' whitewash?

2013 Christchurch NZ: 200 cars and several hundred people were detained by Police for seven hours while cars were inspected for regulatory violations. This incident was investigated by the independent Police Complaints Authority. It showed the utility of extensive video evidence.

The Authority received complaints from 31 individuals who were at Maces Road that evening. While the complaints centre on each individual’s specific experiences there are common issues that arise from these complaints as follows:

1 Being detained and the length of time they were detained
2 The lack of access to toilet facilities, food and water
3 Police videoing them without consent
4 Police being dressed in riot gear and the attitude of officers who were, in some instances, rude, threatening and intimidating

[The] video taken by Police and the recordings made by occupants present verify the above description of events. These recordings have also assisted the Authority when considering the complaints made.

Officer B had no power to instruct drivers and passengers to remain in their vehicles and warn them that they would be arrested if they got out.
Police had no power to detain passengers.
Police’s detention of all the drivers was for longer than 15 minutes and in the circumstances was unlawful and unreasonable.

The lesson is record, record, record - every cell phone is now capable of storing LOTS of video and audio!

Kiwi III

Anonymous said...

They are saying "investigating" for a few reasons. First is trite intimidation. Scare off the lightweights easily scared. Second, it's to frame the propaganda value for low information voters - investigate = guilty. Third, they CAN CLAIM "ongoing investigation" in order to avoid answering questions!

They wouldn't DARE prosecute because then DISCOVERY happens and FOIA games won't be able to protect the usurper from being NAILED for directly sending these hacks out to play heavy handed gubmint.

Their plant/stooge is being MOVED in order to distract.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kenneth...

Seriously? You're advocating prosecuting people for lacking muzzle control discipline?

No victim, no crime.....our "laws" would be a lot simpler and we'd be a lot more free if we held to that simple maxim.