Saturday, May 10, 2014

Enabling Tyranny: New York's Dead Elephant Party -- "Why did NY GOP lawmakers fund the SAFE Act?"

Did they not read what was in the bill? Or is it just an excuse?


FedUp said...

Elected Senators, supposedly the best of the Repugnant Party, engaged in a public protest against their own incompetence...

I swear, the way things are going, I'm beginning to hope that Boner and Friends DO pass an illegal alien incentive package, just so I can use it to finally get rid of the Repugnant Party.

Anonymous said...

The yankee and left coast GOP congress critter is greatly different than its counterpart in flyover country. Political survival is based on how extra special nice you can be to the party that wants you annihilated.

Those States get the representation that they deserve for such sniveling.

Anonymous said...

Wait, so Republicans are scumbags...too?
Say it ain't so!

Anonymous said...

George Washington warned us all about political faction - it's about time we LISTEN.

Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin. This has come to pass because campaigns are now about gay marriage and abortion instead of FORM OF GOVERNMENT and it's enumerated powers/ purpose.

Both parties play insulator between us and our government while both claiming to be conduits to it. We can NEVER solve the problem going from one election to another punishing one party by electing the other. We have to oust them BOTH!

T. Paine said...

Well, for starters they are lying. How do I know? They're talking.
I wonder if anyone has asked the drones what else is in the bill just to see if they ever read it.

Anonymous said...

Read the bill? You're kidding, right?

Anonymous said...

WHy did they fund it ? I will posit this might be , because they are clowns .

Debate and voting over making yogurt the state snack .