Saturday, May 17, 2014

"Cliven Bundy's Thugs: 'We Had a "Bead On The" Feds With Intent to Kill Them.'"

Preparing the propaganda pretext of the next battlespace, from the Daily Collectivist: "Cliven Bundy's American-hating Separatist thugs admit, on Facebook, that they aimed weapons at Federal agents with the intent to kill. In their online Facebook conversation, Bundy's Separatists admit three Oath Keepers positioned themselves high on a hill and put a 'bead on' the Federal agents below with the intent to kill those Federal agents.


Anonymous said...

After reading some of the comments over at the Daily Chaos, it's hard to believe anybody could think like that in America. It certainly does illustrate even more clearly who the enemy is and who we will be shooting at when the time comes. Those people are beyond help. I'm not sure it really matters what they think about the Bundy incident. We already know they're the enemy.


CzarChasmIII said...

Wow, that was difficult to read. But they did have some decent pictures I hadn't seen yet. They say the guy on the right in the picture that is commonly accepted as depicting a government sniper nest, has a "III%" logo on his hat. Glad to know you were feeling well enough to drag your butt up that hill Mike!

badanov said...

That Kos diary has been doing this since the start.

Jeffersonian said...

Gleiwitz Incident in 3, 2, 1....

Paul Kisling said...

Those guys are crying pretty hard.. They cannot figure out why the Feds won't just swoop in like avenging angels and slaughter everyone...

First of all it would be a massacre. Does not look good when you slaughter men, women, and children. Even worse when it will be literally by the hundreds with dozens of news stations able to watch the supposed freest country on earth slaughter its own people.

Third I suspect the people at the ranch would put up one hell of a fight with many fighting to the death rather than surrender.

Al-Jazeera and RT tv would play those images for weeks. It would literally be the biggest propaganda coup for anyone who hates the USA.

Next would be the resulting civil war and government sponsored genocide on those who rebelled after seeing the slaughter.

Anonymous said...

Did you read the comments there?
Those folks will be the first to go when the balloon goes up.

Anonymous said...

So what if they had a "bead on the" Feds? Did NOT the feds aim sniper weapons at the crowd of protestors? Did they NOT engage in physical confrontations with protestors/supporters and Bundy family members? Just b/c you wear a state sponsored costume doesn't mean you get extra least it shouldn't. Since BLM was there WITHOUT oversight from the County Sheriff (which is required in the charter)....they were there UNLAWFULLY....which means pointing guns at people with no legal authority is just as much a crime and the protestors were well within their inalienable right to self defense.

Anonymous said...

Read the comments. They really don't live in the same America. We are just talking past each other, wasting breath, as each side psyches itself up for the fight we know is coming. Hyper-partisanship replaces patriotism, and a nation tears itself apart. Once again for the cheap seats: These are'the good,old days' we're living in,right now.

Anonymous said...

"they aimed weapons at Federal agents with the intent to kill."

Would it make them feel better if they had the intent to bake some brownies?

Anonymous said...

Followed link to DailyKOS(?). It's like a kiddie commie site. How cute. I found one commenter that was in danger of having an original thought, but he folded at the last second.
Maybe that site is up just to lull us into a false sense of security, that the other side is absolutely nothing to worry about.


Anonymous said...

If they had intended to kill them, then, well, wouldn't they have actually pulled the trigger? What am I missing here?

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of confirmation bias in the moronic comments. Mostly desk patriots and other tax feeders.

Kenny said...

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." - Thomas Jefferson

“If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual State. In a single State, if the persons entrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.” – Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist (#28)

Anonymous said...

Exactly the quality of vapid mental vomit I'd expect from the Daily Kos, but it still pisses me off that they even dare think of themselves as citizens and patriots.

Happy D said...

And yet the Fed Thugs still live.
Kinda disproves the basic premiss of the article from the Daily Kosllectivists.

skybill said...

Hi Mike,
What a laugh!!!! As if the feds were choir boy eunuchs sucking on candy canes!! OH!! It's OK for the feds to target us but not vice versa???? Who do these libs think they are??? As Frank Gallop would say,"R-E-A-L-L-Y!!!!!!!"
skybill-outManville ngifxt

Anonymous said...

The problem the feds had was that they were not in a single building or compound that they could set on fire. They got confused and left; I'm assuming they'll come back with some pre-fab housing units for the supporters to use so that they have targets to burn down.

Oh, they'll also likely provide some puppies to the supporters .. nothing like dead puppies being possible to gear them up.

SWIFT said...

I read the Facebook postings and came to the obvious conclusion, that these postings clearly state an, "if,then, hypothetical". At the first sound of gunfire, they would have retaliated. Do I expect the Justice Department to see this? Nope! Convictions at any cost is their standing order. Should get damn interesting once the arrests begin. Just another step toward the time that the guns go hot.

Anonymous said...

Disinformation. Deception. Demonization.

This is guerrilla warfare. You have government sponsored websites and government trolls feeding this garbage out to the sheeple. This is their ways. To turn them against a false enemy. For the most part, it seems to be working.


rexxhead said...

Just wanted to point out that the III% snipers were targeting SNIPERS who had ALREADY targeted citizens (but two other posters beat me to it).

Since BLM snipers are not supposed to be targeting citizens, one can hardly take issue, especially since BLM didn't lose any headcount that day, lucky effin mokes.

RDC said...

If I intend to kill you, you will die. If you left the area alive, then you were meant to.

Not that I expect anything remotely close to reason from the KosKiddies.

Robert Fowler said...

I read the article and some of the attending comments. Holy shit! some of these people need to get out of their parents basements and take a look around. I'm a domestic terrorist because I'm a vet, believe in the Constiution, support smaller government and now they have added the fact that I do not support common core. Sometimes I wonder why I ever held up my hand and solemnly swore. I took my oath seriously (still do) and these basement dwellers would wipe their collective asses with the document I swore to defend. I say let the games begin before I get much older.
Like one of the founders said, lets do it now so my children (grandchildren) don't have to. Or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Yes. We did. But only if they fired first. Put this stinkin' little commie on the pest control list.

Anonymous said...

CzarChasmill: That photo is of a BLM sniper and spotter. It was taken by a Bundy family member early on.
The photo was taken before the events of 12APR14.
The claptrap communist blogger on dailykos, who claims it is two oathkeepers, is a lying whore.

Anonymous said...

Here are two links, for anyone who may have already forgotten about the BLM sniper photo, which is the same photo communist whore and dailykos blogger,
TeamSarah4Choice, is criminally and intentionally claiming to be oathkeeper snipers on 12APR14.
The BLM snipers were photographed on 6 or 7 April.
Again, this is the photo that a dailykos blogger intentionally lies about, in claiming that it shows oathkeepers committing a crime.
I believe it is of the upmost importance that oathkeeper leadership is made aware of, and views her posted article about the photo.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that some of the BLM SWAT team (and sniper team?) were wearing III patches that stood for BLM region 3 AZ and NM. So much for the Koz's link to threepers.

Anonymous said...

"Let's not forget that some of the BLM SWAT team (and sniper team?) were wearing III patches that stood for BLM region."
That does not matter in this instance.
She is knowningly using a widely distributed/reported on photo, taken by a Bundy family member either 6APR or 7APR, of a BLM sniper and spotter sighting in on protestors(outisde authorized "first ammendmet" areas) photographing BLM activities. She is knowingly and criminally lying, saying that the men in the photos are "oathkeepers" aiming their rifles at federal agents on 12APR14.
Moreover, the pixel quality of the photo does not even come close to revealing any details on the ballcaps.
Again, I beleive it is extremely important that oathkeeper leadership be informed of this.