Thursday, February 13, 2014

Senate version of Missouri 2nd Amnd. Preservation Act amended into step backward

The law, then, would not only target crime victims, it would exempt those crime victims who are felons. Missourians must ask themselves, is this progress?


Anonymous said...

Like the new Illinois law, this example is also gun CONTROL disguised as "advancing" the right. A poison pill has been installed and democrats have once again succeeded in traitorous behavior.

Can't wait to see what the NRA actually does....
Heck, I could see em bring suit and realize exactly the scenario superman writes about.

Just as the federal government is losing the control it usurped long ago, the NRA is aiding state governments in attempted usurpation now. The "state preemption" garbage is their goose that lays golden eggs. So long as they can manufacture preemption, whatever else is in a bill is ok with the NRA. Gotta keep that bread buttered at all costs.

Remember in November.

Anonymous said...

Another politically connected pretty face.

From her bio ..."Senator Nasheed attended Roosevelt High School in St. Louis. However, years later, received her high school General Equivalency Diploma. She is currently working on a degree in communications."

She's basically there to protect the schools patronage systems and make sure there's adequate funding for their employment bureaucracy.

The city schools are teetering on financial insolvency and are extremely close to losing accreditation. Closing schools and shifting students to other districts has created an "unsustainable" economic burden on the tax payers.

She doesn't realize she's still "on the farm" and being USED to perpetuate the political enslavement of African Americans in St. Louis city by the morally corrupt black Democrats. Or, maybe she does realize whats going on and has intentionally , with all her intellectual capacity, chosen to join in the corruption and sale of her fellow African Americans.

This foray into the gun rights business is certainly a reach beyond any previous attempts at usurping rights. Indeed, she sponsored legislation to permit voting without identification. Why on earth would she suddenly inject herself into a situation that would make felons of the very constituency that most needs self protection?

Oh wait, under her amendment, criminal rights would be protected and .gov powers would be expanded. Ah ha! Loyal to corruption and deceit, another totalitarian tool, a very useful idiot.

Unfortunately, her Senate seat is unassailable. The public school system has FAILED and continues to FAIL ...but has it really? It's done exactly what it was designed to do; create patronage jobs for generations of barely literate bureaucrats to perpetuate a system of enslavement to the Missouri Democratic party system in St. Louis. Uneducated voters are the best voters. They do what they're told by their "bosses", take their "reparations" and make more illiterate voters.