Thursday, February 6, 2014

Live Free….Or In Massachusetts

Thanks to Bob Owens for this. He comments:
I lived above the Mason-Dixon line for a few short years, but I never attempted to purchase a firearm while I was there. If this short video from Reality Always Wins is correct, how on Earth does the government of Massachusetts or any of the other non-free states (California, Connecticut, Maryland, New York, etc) get away with claiming their citizens have “rights?” I’ll never live in a state like that again, and can’t fathom why anyone would.


Old Coach said...

Gives new meaning to the old term "Slave States".

Sean said...

Them ole' boys up thar LIKE it that way, cause it's SAFE, don'tchaknow?

Longbow said...

Ain't it so. And those people sheepishly submit to it. May History forget they were once our countrymen.

Anonymous said...

Ok, a litany if the things Mass has in place were directly struck down in Heller (safe storage as example) and while Citizens ability to claim financial damage has been seriously limited here in the Midwest (gee thanks NRA) that still remains open in other federal arenas it's also "decided" that lawyers fees must be paid ( ask Rahm Emanuel).

Question - with SO MANY of the prohibitions directly struck down (collective right as another example) how is it possible that the NRA hasn't supported a landslide of suits all across this nation? It has collected hundreds of millions, right?

To me, the toughest one is going to be magazine limits. We have the NRA and it's "hunting" canard to thank for that though most people don't realize it. Can you say plugs in shotguns limiting them to three for "fairness"? Interesting isn't it that when one digs into it that MANY restrictions and prohibitions lead DIRECTLY back to NRA "deals"?!

And you know, as we still witness lower courts (CT) as example) ignoring the heller precedent, and even see May issue still standing in spite of the CLEAR individual right admission. One really had to question how so many years have passed and there isn't a case in each federal circuit with matching circumstances.

The answers rest, IMHO, in why Mikes smuggling and defiance strategy is the correct one. That path taken openly scares the loyalist bastards because if they go jack booted thug on people who KNOW their rights, the one puppet string they have left breaks under its own foisted weight.

If they charge a informed citizen, then we can gain a public defender, using them for process only - providing substance ourselves. We seek title 42 section 1983 relief as a defense against the charges against us and it doesn't cost us the hundreds of thousands that private attorneys charge.

I loved the lackeys "privilege" comment. The batstardization of that word MUST be addressed head on. For in the constitutional context AT LEAST, rights and privileges are SYNONYMS. Rights=privileges. Rights=immunities. And that is the ONLY possible way that the 14 th amendment can be interpreted without making each Citizen the owned property of the ultimate slavemaster called government.

Any reading of the 14 th that portends that a privilege is a government allowance produces pure nonsense.
No state shall make or enforce any law abridging the allowances or permissions of the Cirizens????? Really? Seriously?

Privileges and immunities is a phrase that describes RIGHTS in both the positive AND the negative. What Citizens can do by right and what government of republican form cannot do to us because we exercise them.

IMHO, all liberty minded groups, from guns to well anything else , should unite around that word. - privileges- because that's where the violations of our rights rest. This cartoon does a good job, though in passing, of demonstrating that.

Harry_the_Horrible said...

So, what if a guy moves there and brings firearms he already owns?

And what if he sells arms he already owns to other folks in this hellish state?

Anonymous said...

Most gun owners there moved to New Hampshire a long time ago.

Ed said...

Unfortunately, that video is both concise and accurate.

Amazingly, some want even more restrictions:

But some in Massachusetts want restoration of their infringed civil rights: