Monday, January 13, 2014

"What if Americans rebel against the Obamacare mandate?"

Good question. But he doesn't go far enough in thinking through the unintended consequences.


FedUp said...

What if millions of people simply refused to acknowledge the ACA provisions on their 2014 tax returns?

What if the IRS sent out deficiency letters to all of them, and millions of them said "EFF YOU" in response?

Anonymous said...

Cool, I learned something new today. That is, I will not be getting any more payments on my interest free loan.

Anonymous said...

"Even if they know having health insurance is better than not having it..."

For the record: I HAD health insurance. The price of it kept going up and up. It started out at an easy-to-pay 85 dollars per month. Eventually, Obamacare kicked in, and I was informed that it would be going from 132 dollars per month to about 252 dollars per month. I cancelled that plan, and I have been without health insurance since late 2013.

I wanted health insurance. I was happy with my health insurance that I had.

I could not longer afford it.

I will not be signing up for Obamacare.

If health insurance really is a right (It isn't.) as its proponents assert, like voting, or owning a firearm for self-defense, then I am going to opt out and not utilize it. Just as if one were to not vote or not own a firearm without penalties.

Anonymous said...

If the author had removed the "What If' from the title, I may have assumed he had a clue.

Anonymous said...

I'm not buying it. I'm boycotting it. I'm not going to pay any penalty either. Raised my W-4 exemptions to the maximum of nine. My with-holding will ALWAYS be a fraction of my taxes due. That's the secret for not paying the penalty. No excess with-holding. Instead, I bought into a concierge medical club. For about a thousand per year, all the minor stuff is covered. The expensive stuff will be "self pay". When there is no complex and time consuming insurance and government paperwork to handle, medical procedures get surprisingly cheap. Something like 25% of the insurance paid price. It's government interference and insurance overhead that make healthcare so f**king expensive.

Anonymous said...

I'm also thinking about calculating my tax liability, adjusted to what I think is fair, with turbo tax, sending it in, then not bothering to file the paperwork.

Anonymous said...

Obama care is the greatest threat this nation has ever dealt with in our history.

Obama care is drying up any extra cash that people have to the point retail businesses will go out of business.

Obama care is the catalyst that will break this nation once and for all; The real problem with Obama care is the threat is not being recognized by a large segment of the population.

Anonymous said...

To the one who said health insurance isn't a right I say YER WRONG! It ABSOLUTELY IS!

Here is how. It's called the right to engage in private contracts. IOW, you have the right to contract for care and even for insurance to pay for care BUT no right exists to force taxpayers to foot the bill.

I say we DO need single payer too. As in every single person pay their own damn bill!!

PatriciaHenrietta said...

re:FedUp said...
What if millions of people simply refused to acknowledge the ACA provisions on their 2014 tax returns?

How about not filing at all? They can't imprison/kill us all. Starve the monkey.
People have to have some cajones and stand up to these s.b's once and for all!

Paul X said...

I agree we have a right to health care:

From the article:
"is the Democratic solution to fine the heck out of them until it hurts so much they have to buy it? Great political strategy!"


Yeah, in retrospect, it looks like the Obamunists have painted themselves into a corner. What if people start ignoring not only Obomneycare (remember, Romney provided the model), but every other tyrannical dictate? Starting to look dicey out here, heh.