Sunday, January 12, 2014

Talk, talk, talk. Where's the ATF oversight hearings you promised the F&F whistleblowers, Congressman Issa?

Darrell Issa: Obama administration waging ‘a war on guns’ with ‘rogue’ ATF sting operations.


Anonymous said...

Hearings? Did I say we would conduct hearings?

Issa has shown himself to be either a lackey willing to carry water for the party of dead elephants or utterly bereft of the stones to do what is necessary.... perhaps he is both.
Agent Terry was killed in December of 2010. That means more than 3 years have passed since knowledge of the connection between smuggled guns and Terry's death came to the fore.

What skeletons have the FBI found in Issa's closet?

Jhn1 said...

Did you expect anything else?


As I have said earlier, from a discussion with my then Congressman Joe Walsh, John Boehner is not going to allow any impeachment of any Federal official.

Under any circumstances.

That is why people discuss insisting on begging for malfeasant officials to resign.

Instead of impeaching their asses.

The other tool of reducing funding to malfeasant offices is defeated by Harry Reid's unconstitutional veto of House budgets, and the magic rolling "clean continuing resolutions", based on the 2009 Pelosi-Reid Progressive Wet Dream budget.

Plus the annual increases of course.

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is starting to sound like a broken a broken a broken a broken a broken a broken a broken record...

Anonymous said...

Issa is full of shit. He has been grandstanding for two years. It is my opinion that he is simply controlled opposition and NEVER intended to do SHIT about any of this. He's all bark and no bite. Now the scumbag poseur shows up in NH as if he's going to run for POTUS. Sadly, Issa is just one more name to add to the list of those to hold accountable at the appropriate time and place - and I don't think that day is far off.

AJ said...

I've said this before, and I'll say it again: what do you guys really think is the purpose of the NSA and the FBI? Here's a hint; it ain't to keep us safe from terrorists. It's to keep guys like Issa and Justice Roberts on the reservation.
Nothing will change until people get fed up enough to mass together and dismantle the three letter agencies, and start stringing up congresscritters and their bankster masters. Until then, if you like your police state, you can keep your police state. And you will.