Saturday, January 18, 2014

Oregon gun group says senator ‘lying’ about ‘registration’ bill

Oregon’s Senate Judiciary Committee began work Friday on a draft bill concerning background checks on private firearms transfers, and backers of the proposed legislation are lying when they claim it is not a gun registration bill, Oregon Firearms Federation charged yesterday in a member alert.

1 comment:

Paul X said...

"“The department may retain a record of the information obtained during a request for a criminal background check under this section for the period of time provided in ORS 166.412 (7),” the language of the draft specifies. Cross-referencing that to the cited Oregon Revised Statutes section confirms such records can be retained for up to five years."

I don't know why gun writers keep repeating such obvious tripe. Can anyone be this Pollyannish? OF COURSE, any information sent to the government stays there indefinitely. If you don't think so, give me a single example of a government employee who spent time in jail for such a violation.

Laws are for peons, not for the rulers or their minions.