Thursday, January 2, 2014

In upholding NY's 'SAFE Act,' judge makes surprising (inadvertent?) admission

In news that should surprise no one, Chief U.S. District Judge William Skretny has decreed that New York's 'SAFE Act,' banning so-called "assault weapons" and "high capacity" magazines does not violate the Second Amendment, and is thus Constitutional.


rumplestiltskin said...

Why don't the folks in New York (and other states) join or form a Militia, which is perfectly legal as set out in the Constitution. The type of arms which they have in their possession for such a purpose cannot be infringed upon as that is also guaranteed under the Constitution. I think the membership of a Militia will be the crucial point when it all goes to the Supreme Court (and we all know it will).

Paul X said...

The ruling class must indulge in amusing contortions to justify that crap they like to call "law". Looks like the judge couldn't quite manage to contort himself completely enough for this one, though. He had to let a little bit of sense creep into his ruling.