Monday, January 6, 2014

GOP elites desperately fight for control.

Is Justin Amash Doomed?


Bigus Macus said...

So if it's not Karl's pick then it's a loser? I wonder how much money Karl has made from foisting the last to losers he backed and counseled for president? So what is Mr. Positively Negative Man's stake in all this Cui Bono?

Anonymous said...

Now is the time for Republicans to stop fighting each other. Instead, let's work to help all Republicans defeat democrats. After we get control of both houses, then see where we stand. That will be much better than our present position. All this infighting got us was more of obama and harry reid

Anonymous said...

As a constituant of Rep Amash I don't beleive he has anything to worry about. The idiot that was recruited by the likes of the Orange Weeper and his hencecruds Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan is an establishment dolt that would have been better off not taking whatever bribe he was offered by the County Clubbers. From everyone that I speak to about Justin and from everything I read his approval is very high. I for one am damned proud to have this man represent me in Congress unlike the previous 12 years when I was stuck with Congressman Lightbulb ban AKA the Washing Machine King. Justin will be fine. He has been a fighter for what MOST of WE THE PEOPLE beblieve in. He is viewed as a threat because he threatens the power of the establishment Republicans or the RINO faction. If I have my way the RINO will become more then endangered they will soon be an extinct political animal.

Anonymous said...

Stop the infighting? Sure! But THIS TIME it is the RINO cult that must stand down and "hold their nose" at the voting booth. It's THEIR turn to bite the bullet and vote for TEA party types. THEY gotta "compromise " with US this time.

And if the elite refuse and continue on this path of saying "we" gotta look past the democrats running as tepublucans then they DESERVE to LOSE and even see their party irreparably split.

It ONLY harms us to go along to get along. Boehner was given HUGE power and he not only wasted it but also absurd it to COVER FOR the Democrats. If THAT is what you "stop the infighting" folks think is an improvmemt - boy do I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell ya.

Nope. Not this time. You folks gotta LEARN the McCain - Romney LESSON. foist it upon us again and the same thing will happen.

Unity cannot be attained via diversity. Want unity? Then vote ONLY for those worthy based on principals. Individual liberty, limited government and responsibility for each. Those who run on reaching across the aisle and compromise and hope and vague policy rhetoric DO NOT deserve your vote. And you are a fool to give it based on the (R). Indeed, voters of that stripe are why this nation is spiraling into oblivion!

Wake up America.

Anonymous said...

On the general election day, we need to go to the polls and vote for ALL Republicans on the ballot, no matter which Republicans. We MUST get back the Republican majority in the Senate and maintain the strong Republican majority in the House to have any prayer of staving off Obama's agenda. We MUST do this even if we have to vote for some Republicans we really don't like.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"On the general election day, we need to go to the polls and vote for ALL Republicans on the ballot, no matter which Republicans. We MUST get back the Republican majority in the Senate and maintain the strong Republican majority in the House to have any prayer of staving off Obama's agenda. We MUST do this even if we have to vote for some Republicans we really don't like."
So they can do what? Sell out the American people because they don't have the balls to lead? The definition of politics is winning elections so you can impose your views and policies on the country. Not working across the aisle with a bunch of Marxist thugs that lock Republicans out of meetings dicussing major legislation. McConnel isn;t worth a pile of dried dog shit. Or maybe we should invite the likes of Trent Lott back so even when Repbublicans are in the majority the dumbass can offer to share power as he did before. The reason the clubbers are such dicks is they are no damned different then the assholes on the left they are supposed to oppose. They don't represent the American people any more then the Marxist Progressives. And the only time they want you to get involved is when you vote for them. Screw that shit. Those days are over, long over. We will not go quietly into the night. We will not be silent and we will no longer sit idly by and see this nation nor her people abused and mistreated. It is time for action. Let the festivities begin.