Friday, December 13, 2013

Great, not just a collectivist but a corrupt collectivist. But wait, I repeat myself.

Culture of Corruption: The Dems' Dangerous DHS Pick


SWIFT said...

The appointment of Alejandro Mayorkas, to the no.#2 position at DHS, is good news. The more corrupt, felonious, sub-human, pieces of shit that are promoted into this administration; brings us closer to a breaking point. At some point, the American people have to stand and say:enough is enough. Fortunately, the administration thinks they can push endlessly, without any consequences. The beauty is; they will eventually cross a line without even having an idea that they did so. The fury is building and the administration (and Senate) remains oblivious. I'd like to be a fly on the wall, as they run helter skelter, for their underground cities.

Anonymous said...




AJ said...

We need to just eliminate the DHS entirely along with all of the other alphabet soup regulatory agencies. They are the antithesis of freedom.

Paul X said...

Malkin: a liberty-hating lowlife, writing about another liberty-hating lowlife. Time to crawl out of the gutter, folks.