Sunday, November 10, 2013

Well, if she blamed firearms for her husband's death in a "gun-free zone," why wouldn't she blame asbestos instead of her own cigarette smoking?

Politician with cancer smoked for 40 years, sues over asbestos
Tip of the boonie hat to Doug Rink for the link.


SWIFT said...

What disgusts me as much as a left-wing commie never taking personal blame for anything is, the lawyers who would stoop to any cause for a payout. These slime balls are responsible for too many of our nation's problems. They are, the scum of the earth.

oughtsix said...

Typical 'liberal' 'thinking.'

The irony alone might choke her to death if she could, somehow, become aware of it.

Bitterness and spite, lying and scheming against the Liberty of others, indeed the mental disease that is 'liberalism' contribute to the kinds of physical reactions in the body that make it susceptible to disease. Negative mentality, negative physicality. There is no such thing as a mind/body dichotomy, there is only the unified organism.

Be mindful that this reality applies to US as well.

Let not hatred, despair or fear overcome a positive attitude towards life, self and others. You WILL suffer for it physically if you cannot maintain this perspective.

Yes, yes I know, we are all dead men walking but let's be healthy and effective while dealing with our mortal enemies. Make the other guy pay for his bad decisions.

Anonymous said...

She is the "shouler thing that goes up" woman when asked what a barrel shroud was, right?

Anonymous said...

As much as I dislike McCarthy....we all should reserve judgement on this b/c the link to Mesothelioma from asbestos exposure is currently still under investigation. The article fails to mention what kind of lung cancer she has....if it's Mesothelioma, asbestos exposure *can* be the cause combined with other factors such as man-made fibers, other carcinogens (which *might* include her smoking habit), etc.

At this point, the research is unclear. What IS clear is that if she does have Meso (and the article doesn't say)....then it's not solely caused by smoking.

Personally, if we didn't have an obligation to supply health care to everyone under EMTALA (passed by Reagan) or PPACA (Obama)....then I'd say people should do whatever they want with their own bodies.

The real crime is forcing others to pay for your poor life choices.

Anonymous said...

I really hate to point this out, but, this woman is showing symptoms of butt-hurt.

Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Like for Feinstein, I'll be happy when we can all sing, "Ding dong the wicked witch is dead."

Robert Fowler said...

Would it be tacky if I sent her a pack of smokes? She's been a one issue politician for the last twenty years. Just like BSC* Joan, I'm getting tired of being beaten with the dead bodies of someone murdered by some nutbag.

*Bat Shit Crazy.