Monday, November 11, 2013

The wages of disinformation. CBS blunder sets back the Benghazi story.

Lara Logan: '60 Minutes' is 'very sorry'
This is very convenient for the administration. One wonders if Sharyl Attkisson, who was taken off the story early on by CBS because she was too insistent that the Obamanoids' story didn't ring true, would have made the same mistake. One also wonders if the source was a disinformation set-up from the beginning.


Anonymous said...

For the best coverage and analysis of this story, and all things NSA, see emptywheel. She connects more dots than anyone in her fields of interest... notwithstanding Mikes coverage of 2nd Amendment issues.

Repack Rider said...

Until someone admits that the trillion dollar invasion of Iraq over bogus claims of WMD (4500 American dead, 100,000 or so Iraqis) was a scandal, Benghazi doesn't even twitch the needle on the scandal meter.

Disclaimer: I am a US Army veteran, E-5, Honorable discharge. Your patriotism may vary.

Anonymous said...

Repack Rider,

WMD was very much propped up by Bushie administration, but let's not revise history like the libtards and propaganda press ministry as claiming WMD was sole reason to go into Iraq. Hear it constantly and not true. Plus most intelligence agencies believed Iraq had weapons program and believed sent to Syria before invasion. USA went into Iraq for 3 reasons that were given, it was a terrorist sponsoring state with training camps, etc; it was run by dictator over oppressed people, and for it's WMD "extensive" program, the least transparent. Though Polish troops did discover some artillery shells with chemical gas -- fact. These were the reasons given for invasion, chiefly terrorist haven argument though, Bushie admin probably planned start a conflict there and sure enough was a magnet so we could off more jihadis from Yemen, Syria, etc. Not agreeing with all of it either, the aftermath, the mess left behind, etc. Zero administration meanwhile has no plans, makes stringent rules for engagement, and we have double the troop deaths in Afghanistan/Iraq. So yes it's a big mess, but claiming we went to Iraq on the WMD premise alone is repeated kool-aid dispensed by a traitorous hack media.

Anonymous said...

Repack - I'll say this wondering how you will respond.
1) hundreds were killed in 1991 and 687 was brokered to suspend that conflict.
2) even the UN admitted in 1441 that 687 had not been complied with.
3) on this Veterans Day I point out that the forced removal trial and death penalty for Saddam was due retribution ensuring that those men and women didn't die for nothing in 1991.
4) setting aside the functioning bomb plans, the centrifuge built and other things found buried since 1991, the "surprise" handover by ghadafi, the known truck convoys to Syria and the refusal to admit inspectors to see what went there, the actual proscribed missile bodies and engines found, the hundreds of binary shells collected post 2003 and even the many 55 gallon drums if. "Pesticide" a good friend if mine personally loaded up out of literally every ammo cache encountered near and around ramadi, how about looking at what Bush said (papa) on national tv in 1991- that hostilities were SUSPENDED and let's look to what Clinton said over and over about ongoing threat and to what W said about US picking the field of battle post 911. Let's also look to saddams known payments to Palestinian muzzies for shootings and bombings NOTING that the daily bombings in Israel STOPPED. oh and then there is that tidbit about saddam giving zawahiri a few hundred grand....oh and that cinder block building full of CASH found? Wanna bet some plates were found along with it? And what more powerful weapon of mass destruction exists than the means to print endless 100 dollar bills? Hell our own government (if ya can even call it that) drops that WMD every damn day.

War wasn't tarted in Iraq in 2003. It was resumed. Not unlike if today a civil war broke out here seeing hundreds of thousands die to restore our constitution would honor those who died to see it drafted and instituted the first time, those who died that you referred to honor those who fought in the sands before them.

Does our government lie? Absolutely. Does that mean Iraq was wrong or a mistake. He'll no. And here is why.
Muslims are truly seeking a world caliphate. Full scale submission by all. That means YOU TOO. There's no deals to be had beyond Carter's submission called jizyah. Can you say Egypt and Jordan? Can you say oil for food program? Can you say EPA setting our oil here aside forcing the purchase of muzzies oil?

Patriotism does vary. Some think we can just ignore it all while others see the big picture, understanding that within the context of world war four, this nation is close to all out civil war. Ask yourself this - do you want today's military focused on destroying muzzies abroad or here pointing that weaponry at US?