Saturday, April 13, 2013

Unmidful of what this does to the regime's legitimacy, the cover-up goes on and on . . .

Feds demand another extended delay in deadline to produce information


Anonymous said...

Remember this comment from last year?

"Any action that would de legitimize the authority or reduce the power of a Federal law enforcement entity is against the interest of the whole federal government, in a fashion the  importance of which far, far transcends any of the minor differences between "Republican" and "Democrat".

You think you're provoking a cross aisle fight, but please remember you're essentially dealing with a single entity here. At the command level both parties work for the same ends, with cosmetic and language differences suitable to placate party voters on issues that get sufficient notice in the press. This is established policy, the axiom that the parties must never materially be at odds in their actions (most especially in foreign policy!) has been SOP for decades. How else can the largest investors be assured of sufficient stability? Can't have the government being whipsawed by a mere change in electoral  office holders.

This is one of the many reasons that 3rd parties or even non team player members of the duopoly can't ever be allowed traction on the national level in the US. Dr. Dean? Ross Perot? Dr. Paul? Please.

Issa will not be proceeding against DOJ in any significant fashion. It's not in the interest of the established power structure."

Anonymous said...

Look, it's simple.

The Marxists sought and now have (for some time) control of the democratic party. No one gets funding or elected unless they pass their ideology testing and yes, part of that is being a good liar for Marx and concealing where necessary your true beliefs and intents.

Now they need to control the other party, so that very key votes will be won. How do you do that. What would a good Marxist do to accomplish that?

You need control of the other party's leadership and funding. You also need control of people who you need, to do your bidding.

Now how would a Marxist do that, by attacking and causing the removal of effective leadership that is in your way?

By Wire-tapping all personnel that you need to remove in order to replace them with people you control? By the same means, obtaining control of those persons you cannot or wish not to remove?

By using the public treasury to buy whom and what you need?

We've seen all this happen before our eyes but because the Marxist media doesn't do an exposition on what they are doing, we discount what we observe. When we don't, we are called "nuts" which incidentally will disqualify you from firearms ownership because one of their doctors will put you on a list. How convenient, since they now control or are in the process of controlling your healthcare.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Oh, but then we say, "I know that guy and he's no Marxist!" But I say to you that he is voting against the country, the founders and your freedoms. Does it really matter that he doesn't call himself a Marxist? He votes with those who are.

Anonymous said...

Please indeed. Mr. PlumbBob of Liars issues an executive get out of jail card to cover Mr. Pond Scums ass, and voila! the whole F&F oversight train comes to a screeching halt. Ya know, the entire DOJ is a laughing stock of biblical proportions. If lying were weather, these cockroaches would be a fucking 5.1 hurricane. Issa needs to get a clue though. Court jesters notwithstanding, his committee makes Barnum and Baily look like an accountant firm. What really galls me though, is the fact Mr. Pondscum has NEVER contacted the Terry family, let alone apologize. That fact alone will go down as numero uno in the annuls of Great Moments in DOJ Hubris. He redefines the word SHAMELESS and I'd give a $1mil to brand it on his goddamned forehead. However, he does a damn good job of it himself.

Anonymous said...

One commenter on the original story opined that someone needs toarrest Holder. To that I respond "who?". Who has the authority to arrest the sitting AGUS? Nobody in DOinJ is about to jeopardize their paycheck and pension by doing so. He IS their boss after all. If not DOinJ then who. The armed forces? But wouldn't posse commitatus sort of preclude that? What troops does the legislature control? Besides, as anonymous at 6:30 AM on 4/13 wrote " you're essentially dealing with a single entity here". The Dhimmicrats and Republicans are just two wings of the same rapacious bird.

Those people don't give a dead rat's mouldering ass about legitimacy. All they care about is power.

The republic is well and truly FUBAR. The only solution is to wipe the hard drive and reload the operating system with stronger safeguards against power grabs by the central government.

Anonymous said...

"What really galls me though, is the fact Mr. Pondscum has NEVER contacted the Terry family, let alone apologize."

Why would he do that? They're not "his people".