Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So, Gottlieb's big sellout gambit looks like it will fail.

Gun control bill in peril
Manchin and Toomey said Monday evening that they were short of the votes they needed.
As a long-time Second Amendment activist in DC told me on Sunday night, "This will make it twice as hard to stop in the House. . . WHAT was he THINKING?"
Now that's a question his membership ought to be asking themselves -- and going elsewhere if they don't like the answer. They don't have to drink that suicidal kool-aid, you know.


rexxhead said...

Maybe THAT was what he was thinking... poison it in the Senate so it's DOA at the House.

Anonymous said...

I know what I'm thinking. I'm thinking I joined CCRKBA because it was a "no compromise" organization. I'm now thinking that they can stick their membership where the sun don't shine. I've made it perfectly clear that I'm leaving the CCRKBA due to their chairman's betrayal.

Anonymous said...

And I was going to send them money! That was close!

Gun Owners of America looks like the only option since the NRA can't decide who's side they're on.

Besides, I won't get 40 fund raising calls a day which drove my wife absolutely nuts in addition to pissing me off. Only to see them "compromise" with "good" gun control.

Anonymous said...

I've never joined CCRKBA since I have always suspected they weren't hardline on gun rights. GOA for me, still.