Thursday, April 4, 2013

Maryland, My Maryland.

The despot's heel is on thy shore,
His torch is at thy temple door,
Avenge the patriotic gore
That flecked the streets of Baltimore,
And be the battle queen of yore,
Maryland! My Maryland!


SWIFT said...

The 1st Maryland infantry under Colonel William Smallwood distinguished themselves at the Battle of Long Island. George Washington considered the Marylanders to be the best outfit in the Continental Army. Sad that Maryland has become nearly as commie as New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut. Just goes to show the damage left-wingers can do to once proud regions of the country. Scum!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Betetta is getting swamped with invitations to relocate if they end up like Conn. All eyes are on you, Colt!

Anonymous said...

More sorry-ass-shit from New York. New York certainly is a progressive state - progressively more absurd as time goes on.
I would honest to God rather pass on to meet my maker than live anywhere in the Northeast US. Or West Coast.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that Mike.

We have been railroaded by an assclown.

Conrad The Crazed said...

Too bad more people in the People's Democratik Republik of Marylandistan aren't like this young lady. Clearly her well-thought pleas fell on deaf ears:

Terp said...

Interesting that Swift used the word "Scum" to describe those Northern States. Same words were used in 1861, when troops were moved through Maryland with the intent of invading Virginia...

The Old Line bugle, fife, and drum,
She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb-
Huzza! She spurns the Northern scum!
She breathes! She burns! She'll come! She'll come!
Maryland! My Maryland!

Terp III Charles County, MD

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if any of the states passing gun laws have their own 2nd admendment in their state constitutions.

Anonymous said...

And some even more sorry-ass-shit from North Carolina. What the hell has gotten into the water folks?

Jimmy the Saint said...

@Anonymous: "What the hell has gotten into the water folks?"

You know the Northeast is losing population? Guess where it's moving....

Nubbin-Finger Jake Rodell said...

SWIFT at 11:55 AM, believe me being "nearly" as commie as the other Marxists states is no relief for the citizens of Maryland. Commie is Commie. Is there really any 'better' degree of Marxism under which we should agree to live?

Anon at 5:36 PM, Maryland does not have a State Constitutional 2nd Amend. I am sure the founders could not foresee that in only 200 years that State would fall so far asunder.

I 'was' from Maryland. I still have friends & family economically 'trapped' behind the enemy lines. Some are fleeing to nearby Penn & WV to escape the Stasi while others plan disobedience. Now, I call North Idaho my home. I left 2 years ago as I know that when (not if) Baltimore explodes, my former town of Westminster will be in the debris field as the black death spreads from its .gov housing projects.