Friday, April 12, 2013

Making a list and checking it twice. Two more nominations for the Julius Streicher School of "Journalism" Award.

Julius Streicher, Hitler's favorite "journalist," after dancing the executioner's jig at Nuremberg, 1946.
Pro-Gun Control Senator to CNN Anchor: 'We Appreciate Your Support'
Biden: MSNBC Host Deserves Award


Anonymous said...

Just put all their names on the list.....and it's a long list.

Those who survive will be charged and will stand trial when the tribunals begin.

Anonymous said...

Skip the trial and immediately enact rule #308.

Anonymous said...

It could be televised and touted as 'The (Neck) Streicher Awards' - the Media would fight to produce and broadcast the show.

Hell! They would even provide their own rope!

[No appology to Lenin for stealing the idea ...]